Use the Overcome Fear of Technology Failing Script to Soothe Modern Anxieties

Reduce technology-focused worries and help stressed clients develop a calm attitude toward catastrophe

As we become increasingly reliant on sophisticated technologies, a fear that it will fail us - and cause great anguish - can develop. This fear can lead to sleepless nights, panicked thinking, and an unhealthy thought cycle that depletes our quality of life.

The Overcome Fear of Technology Failing Hypnosis Script from The Script Collection was put together to calm the worries clients develop around technology.

The pre-talk begins with an example of a real-life technology failure, where the simultaneous failure of sound and images at a workshop actually leads to an engaging session that ends in success, rather than calamity. The client is assured that "there are always ways to get done what needs to be done" even when the devices around us fail.

The client is introduced to the concept of catastrophizing, where we imagine that everything will be ruined if something goes awry. The client is assured that the fear of technology failing, a modern kind of catastrophizing, is a common thought pattern.

The client is then provided with examples of how their specific fears may arise and manifest. Some may feel a "strong emotional response" to a computer error message, which triggers "a knot of tension" and a "rush of anxiety" as their unconscious mind reads the error message as a threat.

The fear may also come from a desire for control, which advanced technology can override with its mysterious functionality. When people do not understand the technology keeping their airplane in the air, for example, feelings of discomfort and anxiety can result. The sensation of being "out of control" can lead to endless speculation and "what if" scenarios in people's heads.

The pre-talk concludes by firmly establishing trust in the hypnotic process, reassuring the client that hypnosis is a practical solution that can help them "calmly detach from any worry from those obsessive, catastrophizing-type thoughts."

Now a classic induction uses soothing words and a concentrated focus on breathing to calm the client and prime them for hypnotic suggestion.

As the client begins to sink into a fully relaxed state, they are reminded about the benefits of practicing mindfulness. Because it focuses on the breath, mindfulness keeps us anchored to what is actually "happening in the here and now," as opposed to the made-up "what if" scenarios that often occupy our anxious thoughts, but rarely actually happen.

Through embedded commands, the client is encouraged to train themselves to turn their thoughts to the present moment rather than imagining catastrophic scenes. The client is invited to do this right now, by feeling the temperature of the air as they gently breathe in and out.

Now the script creates an image of a person gazing at a rock atop a lush green hill. The person pretends they can move the rock with their mind, but the rock remains motionless, "calmly indifferent." Likewise, the client is invited to recognize that they cannot turn their television on or off with their mind - no matter how hard they might focus, the television would remain unaffected by their thoughts.

A story about therapist Dr. Milton Erickson is relayed, in which Erickson has a patient who suffers from a great fear that gravity will stop working and he will "just float off the planet and into space." Dr. Erickson instructs this man to climb to the top of a nearby mountain, where gravity's force is weakest, and will himself to fly off into space.

The man follows his doctor's advice and summits the mountain. At its peak, he musters all of his energy to defy gravity's pull. Yet he remains firmly on solid earth. At his next session, the man tells Erickson that he "left those worries behind that day on top of the mountain."

The client is led to concentrate on how their body parts soften as a "wave of comfort" washes through them. A countdown deepens their relaxation even further, paving the way for unconscious change.

Now, the client is guided to remember childhood fears, like the dark or mall escalators, and recognize that their unconscious mind was able to outgrow those fears and move on. In their deeply relaxed state, their unconscious can make the link between these irrational childhood fears and their excessive adult fear of technology failing.

Their attention is now refocused to the present, where technology has advanced to levels never dreamed of - but doesn't always work. Embedded commands assure the client that they will simply "deal with it" should their technology ever fail.

As the client accepts this, they are led to notice that the "extra layer" of emotional thoughts around technology failure never brought value to their life. Their worries are as lost on technology as they would be on the rock they imagined earlier.

The client's attention is brought back to their breath. They are encouraged to relax further "into reality" with each inhalation, allowing themselves to let go of their need for control. The client is promised that, as they repeat this practice, those "old worry thoughts" will become more and more distant even as they continue to use and enjoy technology.

As the trancework comes to a close, the client is asked to imagine their future self looking and feeling more relaxed around technology, and to notice the enhanced focus, clarity, and enjoyment they experience as a result.

Add the Overcome Fear of Technology Failing Hypnosis Script to your script library today.

Overcome Fear of Technology Failing is also available as an MP3 download.

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