Hypnotherapists - save 31%
(and more)
on hypnosis scripts and courses in the Growth Zone

Save 31%
on all downloads and scripts

Daily Inspired
Insights – motivating and inspiring

30 exclusive
members-only downloads

to over 40 audio psychology insights

Buy extra credits
at up to 40% off the normal price
Plus New Therapeutic Ideas, Free Courses and 50+ Psychology Audio Insights

Working as a hypnotherapist
can be a lonely business
Every one of us wants to help our clients as quickly as possible, but sometimes you just need outisde input - new ideas, hypnosis scripts, support and motivation.

Growth Zone membership gives you reduced-price access for only $21.95 a month
to all the hypnosis scripts and downloads from Hypnosis Downloads.com, but not only that. The Growth Zone is packed with resources for hypnotherapists, counselors and psychotherapists to help you gain new insights and skills to best help your clients.

Every two weeks we will deposit a 'download credit' in your Growth Zone account
Each credit allows you to choose a download from the hundreds we have available. If you aren't ready to choose a download right that second, that's fine. You can build up credits in your Growth Zone account.
Here's what you get for only $21.95 per month

Membership costs only $21.95 per month
and includes a credit every 2 weeks This saves you 31% on every download! Cancel at any time.

Choose any hypnosis script or audio
every two weeks - from any download on the site.

Or you can save your credits to use on our hypnotherapist courses
or anything else on Hypnosis Downloads.

Buy extra credits at up to 40% off
main site price
Over 30 exclusive downloads available only to Growth Zone members.

Free access to over 100 Audio Insights
from our newsletter Inspired Minds – learn how your mind works.

Personal notes section to help you
keep track of your goals and aspirations.

An email every two weeks to remind you
to get your next hypnosis download or script and use your credits.

Access to online courses - Learn hypnosis in 5 days,
the 6-part Self Confidence Course, the Depression Learning Path and the Panic Prevention Course.

Purchase history with all the details of what you've bought
so you can access your purchases any time you need to.

"I was pleasantly surprised at the love and attention to detail that went into the programs and the script"
I purchased two programs from Hypnosis Downloads recently, the 10 Steps to Solid Self-Esteem and the Confidence Trainer. I also purchased a script and audio on pain relief. I was thinking of a special client I have and wanted to review the programs to assure they were suitable for her before I asked her to purchase them. After reviewing them, I was pleasantly surprised at the love and attention to detail that went into the programs and the script and at the high quality of their content. This site is truly an abundant archive of reference material for therapists and I feel completely confident about referring my clients and students to this site!
This story came from Raquel Rodriguez who is a certified transpersonal hypnotherapist and instructor from Richmond, California, USA.

"You guys hands down have the best quality and topics available"
I searched a lot of companies when deciding on hypnosis products. You guys hands down have the best quality and topics available.
This story came from Dr Tony W DeRamus DC from Texas, USA who is author of The Secret Addiction; Overcoming Your Marijuana Dependency.

"I have never come across another hypnosis website that comes close to the quantity and, most importantly, the quality, of the wonderful site you all have created"
I really appreciate your personal response and consideration, and I also want to give my thanks to you and everyone else and hypnosisdownloads.com. I have never come across another hypnosis website that comes close to the quantity and, most importantly, the quality, of the wonderful site you all have created. I love the additional resources you all have made available as well. Thanks again!
This story came from Jason Magnon who is a transpersonal hypnotherapist (NGH-certified) and master NLP from San Antonio, TX, USA.
Exclusive Members-Only Hypnosis Downloads include...

Brain power & creativity series


Develop super concentration

Develop super memory & recall

creative leaps

your vision

Healthy lifestyle series


Choosing the right foods

Super portion control


Ultimate gym Session

Personal power series

Recognize your
self worth

Focus on your

Undo negative

Real skills for

The way
Throughout history there have been great men and women who achieved incredible things, often against the greatest odds.
Now you can learn - at an attitude level - how they did it and how you can too.
Galileo Galilei
know your own
determination &
self belief
courage in the
face of adversity
woman of spirit
daring & courage
all odds
the Bruce
true grit,
never quit
Do you sometimes feel like your goals and aspirations are written in disappearing ink?
Have you noticed how many of your good intentions somehow vanish from your brain?
No matter how powerful your initial enthusiasm, life just gets in the way of your aims. You know what you should be doing to get ahead, but other things always seem to stop you.
Without regular refocusing,life de-prioritizes you!

With the best will in the world, most of us are so busy that our most important goals simply sink out of sight. The Growth Zone will keep your brain in tip-top condition while ensuring you stay focused on your personal growth goals.
We all know that to keep fit, we have to exercise regularly, but our mental fitness is left to take care of itself. Determination, creativity, confidence; they all need keeping in shape.
Keep your brain in shape,stretch your mind
If you are not a Growth Zone
member yet what are you waiting for?
For just $21.95 a month you can enjoy a download or script of your choice every two weeks, giving you a regular mental workout - keeping your brain in shape, stretching your mind and helping you harness the power of hypnosis to your life and goals.
Remember, regular hypnosis:

Lowers stress and
anxiety levels

Helps you control
the content of your
own thoughts

Stops you doing
negative self hypnosis
and 'getting in your
own way'

Creates a powerful
attitude for optimism,
perseverance and