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What books do you recommend to learn more about hypnosis?

Hi Mark, love the hypnosis downloads especially the ones you record your voice knocks me right out.

Simple question: what books do you recommend to learn more about hypnosis?

This question was submitted by 'Mike'

Mark says...

That's a great question Mike, and I think some of the books that I sort of treasure as far as learning and understanding hypnosis are Solution Orientated Hypnosis by Bill O'Hanlon is a really good one; it's pretty old now but it's it's got all the fundamentals of indirect Ericksonian sort of hypnosis, it's a great book.

Uncommon Therapy by Jay Haley is is another one. It's all about the case histories of Milton Erickson, some of which probably might be a little bit shocking into today's world, you know, because they're not necessarily too politically correct and so forth. But we have to remember a lot of these case histories stem from the 40s and 50s or so, but it's but it's a wonderful illustration of how hypnotic everyday life can be, how hypnotic problems can be, and how ingenious and creative ways of of solving emotional difficulties can produce the most wonderful change. So that's a great book as well, Uncommon Therapy.

My Voice Will Go With You: The Teaching Tales of Milton Erickson by Sydney Rosson is also another great book.

Provocative Therapy by Frank Farrelly [and Jeffrey M Brandsma] is a is a really interesting book as well. It's not primarily about hypnosis but I think when you're, when you do the unexpected, it's kind of inherently hypnotic and it grabs people people's attention and they can learn on a whole fresh kind of level that isn't just linear. So that's that's a good book as well.

And also Yapo - anything that Yapo has written on using hypnosis for depression is really good - Treating Depression With Hypnosis I think is his seminal work on hypnotic therapy for depression so those books are really amongst my favorite and favorites and I recommend those highly.

watch icon Published by Mark Tyrrell - June 11th, 2024 in

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