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How to be independent, help with paranoia in a long-distance relationship, can hypnosis be used to forget bad things?

Mark has been answering more of your questions in the latest edition of Ask Mark.

You'll find the answered questions listed below the video, and you canask Mark your own question here.

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Mark says...

Questions answered:

  1. My 31 year old brother is overly dependent on our family. He depends on us for decision making, to doing all new unknown activities, to his career, even doing small activities. Basically he's dependent and fears becoming independent. Can you please suggest a download which helps a person to become totally independent in his actions, thoughts and behavior? Thank you
  2. My paranoia and ocd in my long distance relationship is driving my partner away and I need to know how I can overcome this, and convince myself for good that she's not cheating, to not focus on the bad but to shine light on the good and nurture it into a long successful relationship. My paranoia forces me to look at all the bad, which are just uncertain things that make me think she's being unfaithful. I need help bad. Thanks.
  3. Is it possible to use hypnosis to make me forget bad things in my life so that it's as if they never happened?


watch icon Published by Mark Tyrrell - January 24th, 2025 in

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