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Sometimes I feel like a failure. Which download should I use next?


I apologize if someone has already asked this question before, but what if there are several hypnosis downloads you think would be of benefit? How do you decide which to use first or can you use more than one each day? What's the best way to use different hypnosis downloads?

For example, I am a stay-at-home mom for now due to my husband being in the military, but feel like I am a failure for not working and bringing in an income (we live in a rural area, so not many job opportunities for a marketing career). I also have to deal with a lot of negativity from people in this area who hate living here and constant negativity brings me down and makes me miserable as well. I will then tend to get a bit depressed and moody and I tend to yell.

I have been listening to 'Be More Centered', which has helped immensely! But I would love to use 'Negativity Shield' to keep all the negative comments at bay and also use a download to help me look forward to the future, not feel trapped in this area, and realize I can still have much to look forward to.

I also come up with great ideas to do things, but usually tend to never follow through. I'll put up roadblocks to keep myself from trying things. I've also pretty much secluded myself to my home and neighborhood to keep from getting out and meeting new people. (I've also had a lot of pain from an auto accident years ago that at times makes me absolutely miserable…and could keep me from holding a full-time job in the future…)

This question was submitted by 'Wendy'

mark tyrrell

Mark says...

Hi Wendy and thank you for your question. : ) I'm happy to hear that the 'Be More Centered' session has helped you so much.

There are a lot of downloads and it can feel overwhelming, which is why we've created a 'Which Downloads?' feature on the site. As for listening to more than one at a time, you can certainly do that, but I wouldn't recommend more than two a day.

It sounds to me like you can be just a little tough on yourself sometimes. You describe sometimes feeling like a failure for not providing an income, even though you are providing a childhood.

You recognize that you have a need for a positive sense of community – and the nature of whom we surround ourselves with is so important. If you can connect up with some more positive people around you in some way, that will be a great thing, as you sound like you are basically positive, but anyone can be brought down by naysayers. It might be that sometimes you feel down and are prone to a bit of 'all-or-nothing' thinking, so the 'All or Nothing Thinking' download, which addresses that, may be really good for you along with the 'Negativity Shield' program.

You could listen to one program one day, the other the next, and alternate until you begin to see all the benefits.

I hope my answer has been in some way useful to you.

All my best,


watch icon Published by Mark Tyrrell - May 29th, 2015 in

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