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How can I use hypnosis to make a healthy habit stick?

Hello Mark,

Recently, I purchased some self-hypnosis tapes. I have listened to them for the recommended period of a week. I listen to them in a quiet area, either at night before I go to sleep or in the afternoon if I have a quick break from work.

I am a 'thinker' and my conscious mind does wander at times, thinking about various things (a ball game, something that may have happened that day at work, etc.) when I listen to the tapes. But when I am done with a session, I usually feel somewhat relaxed and laid back (even a little tired). I limit my tapes to two a day as suggested, and try to listen to ones that are similar in nature.

One individual tape I purchased to break a bad habit did help me for a few weeks. However, after about five weeks or so, the habit returned. Does this happen? Is it normal to occur?

I did start to listen to the tape again for reinforcement. Self-improvement is important to me. I have looked to other areas for guidance, but I like the hypnosis concept since it helps go right to the subconscious for support.

What do you suggest?


This question was submitted by 'Alan'

mark tyrrell

Mark says...

Hello Alan and thanks for writing in.

First off, be reassured that it doesn't really matter that your conscious mind wanders off a bit sometimes during the hypnosis. This split (between conscious and unconscious attentiveness and responsiveness) is almost a definition of hypnosis. The unconscious mind has the chance to respond once the conscious mind is relaxed and/or focussed elsewhere.

Often, hypnotic changes are permanent because the brain learns thoroughly and tends to like to organize reality in easier and healthier ways. Just as when we learn a musical instrument and the 'habit' of playing notes in a particular order with particular timing tends to stick once we've learned that 'habit'.

Hypnosis is a tool (not a cure-all), but a really powerful one. It can help establish the right neural patterns in the brain to establish a new way of interacting with certain situations. And this includes establishing new, healthier habits (and breaking bad ones). But in the case of habits, they need to be maintained in the real world - just as we may need to top up our practice of a new musical piece for a while - until it well and truly sticks in the mind.

It may be that you need to listen once every five weeks now to that particular hypnosis session until you find you can stretch it out further and, eventually, the new healthy habit takes on a life of its own, if that makes sense.

All best wishes,


watch icon Published by Mark Tyrrell - August 22nd, 2014 in

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