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Does voice make a difference to hypnotic responsiveness?

Dear Mark,

Is it possible for a hypnosis recording not to work because of the person who recorded it and his/her voice not really working for the client? I have had this experience and am worried that I cannot utilize the downloads from Roger in general. Or should I just keep trying and get past that?

P.S. Officially would like to request you do a recording for sugar addiction.

This question was submitted by 'Mary'

mark tyrrell

Mark says...

Hi Mary,

Many people love Roger's voice, but no one's voice is right for everyone. I suggest you stick with it for a while longer, though; in a sense, it's when you start to 'forget' the voice, just as you can forget the sound of gentle rain on the window as you sleep in bed and dream, that hypnosis is effective. The voice and the words are just the gateway to hypnosis and the subconscious mind can begin to make allowances for the voice and, to some extent, even the words used. Fortunately, we have an 'Overcome Sugar Addiction' download session already. : )

All my best,


watch icon Published by Mark Tyrrell - February 3rd, 2014 in

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