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Does it matter if my mind wanders off during hypnosis?

I have a huge problem with daydreaming all the time. I also call it "busy mind". This gives me trouble focusing completely on anything I'm trying to.

I've previously downloaded your daydreaming and focus/concentration sessions. I've found that I was able to keep my attention on the audio the first couple of times of listened to the sessions.

However on subsequent listens, I found I was ironically drifting off into daydreaming even when listening to the daydreaming session! It's like once something becomes "old hat", my mind loses interest and off it goes on it's own thinking about other things. Any advice to me on how I can get around this issue?

This question was submitted by 'Keith'

mark tyrrell

Mark says...

Well, strangely enough during hypnosis it's fine, even beneficial for the (conscious) mind to wander whilst the subconscious mind can take on new learning. So my advice to you is to not worry about that when relaxing to the sessions.

watch icon Published by Mark Tyrrell - December 2nd, 2013 in

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