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Pregnancy and Childbirth Hypnosis Scripts

Helping a mother-to-be prepare for pregnancy and childbirth is one of the most rewarding roles a therapist can play. And there's a lot to do! The impending arrival of a new baby sets off a chain of emotional (and physical) reactions in everyone around, and they are not always easy to deal with.

We have a range of hypnosis scripts focused on pregnancy and childbirth. These will help you prepare mothers for the different challenges and joys they will face during their pregnancy and when it comes time for the birth. You can help them learn to use hypnosis to remain comfortable while the baby is being born (plenty of time to practice!). You can help them deal with any difficulties that might arise too.

Some moms and dads have problems feeling a sense of connection with their unborn child, and hypnosis is a great way to build that connection even before baby arrives. Some mothers may need help to come to terms with their changing appearance in pregnancy, or perhaps to deal with post natal depression.

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