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Cancer Treatment Support Hypnosis Scripts

Hypnosis cannot cure cancer but using hypnotherapy to provide alternative cancer treatments alongside full medical care can really help cancer sufferers deal with the huge challenge that they face.

As well as the direct problems associated with the particular form of cancer that they have developed, your cancer clients may experience significant anxiety about both the form and outcome of their treatments. They may have to cope with severe levels of pain, or overcome phobias about treatment equipment such as cannulas and needles. Sadly, in some cases, they may have face up to their approaching death.

Our range of alternative cancer treatment hypnosis scripts gives you a variety of tools to help people cope with cancer.  They are not intended to replace medical treatment.

All proceeds from our cancer treatment sessions go to our nominated childrens' cancer charities or if medical bills are soaring, you can contact us and we will provide your cancer audios at no cost.

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* Results may vary from person to person. This is why we provide a no-questions asked 90-day money-back guarantee to ensure you feel comfortable trying our products out. We believe they are the best available, and hope you will too.