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Social Anxiety Hypnosis Scripts

Social anxiety is a widespread phenomenon and keeps many people trapped in a lonely life. People feel anxious about interacting with others for many reasons, but an important common denominator is a over-blown self-consciousness. Social phobics commonly imagine that other people are constantly judging them. Whereas the truth is that 'other people' are themselves worrying about how they are being judged.

We have a range of hypnosis scripts to help people overcome social anxiety, in whatever form they experience it. You can use these scripts to help people deal with excessive blushing, nervous laughter, shyness or any other factor that keeps them from getting the most out of social interaction.

And while you're doing that, you'll also be helping them learn how to be really relaxed - anywhere and anytime. And that means they'll naturally feel more at ease with whatever - and whoever - is around them at the time.

All our 'Social Anxiety' hypnosis scripts ...

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