Help your client get back in shape healthily with the Post-Baby Body Hypnosis Script

Guide your client to take a flexible, patient approach as they get back in shape after childbirth

Pregnancy and childbirth entail all sorts of changes to the body, and many women feel anxious to get back in shape and to feel healthy and strong again. This is a healthy, positive intention, but one that shouldn't be rushed.

The Post-Baby Body Hypnosis Script from The Script Collection was put together to help women take a patient, kind, yet determined approach to getting back into shape after giving birth.

The pre-talk begins with guided breathing, encouraging smooth, deep breaths, likened to waves lapping against the shore. The client is given permission to simply let their body rest and release "at its own rate" as gentle suggestions are made as to what they "might" notice as this happens.

Now the observing self is called upon so that the client can watch themselves enjoying this deepening, restorative rest and notice the accompanying changes in their face and body. Again the idea of permission is introduced, encouraging the client to extend kindness and caring towards themselves as they allow themselves to relax deeper still.

Now the client is invited to merge back into their body and experience a wave of relaxation progressing through the arms and right down into the fingers. As they consider which hand feels more relaxed, use of the words left and right in their unexpected meanings elicits confusion, further deepening the dissociative trance.

Now the real trancework begins with an exploration of how the client may want to be and feel as they get healthier. The positive intention itself is also unpacked as something that "resonates" at the subconscious level so that change can happen naturally and effortlessly. Finally, the client is gently guided to experience the positive physical and mental changes as they care for themselves, exercise, and eat healthily now and into the future.

The client is encouraged to practice flexibility and patience as they work towards these changes, knowing that their determination will always be there no matter what and that positive changes are already happening. Embedded commands reinforce these truths and help develop a sense of personal strength and confidence.

Through future pacing the client experiences the pride and confidence that will come with having achieved their desired wellbeing. With this future front of mind, they are brought back to the now - the "single simplest step" they can take to move towards that desired future. Gentle commands punctuated by long pauses allow time for the client to really focus on what that step is, what it will feel like to do it, and what it will feel like to have done it.

The trancework concludes with an uplifting passage exploring the way this new attitude and practice of consistent self-care will create a "positive cycle" enhancing the lives of not just the client but also their child and all those around them.

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Post-Baby Body is also available as an MP3 download.

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