Help Clients Build Commitment with the Do it Daily Hypnosis Script

Teach clients to develop habits that bring their goals within reach

Many people set lofty goals for themselves, but fail to accomplish them. Whether it's getting in shape, creating artwork, or learning a new language, people often find it difficult to accomplish big tasks because they lack the daily discipline required to succeed.

The Do it Daily Hypnosis Script from The Script Collection was put together to help people overcome the trap of demotivation and build new, self-chosen habits that help them accomplish their chosen goals.

The pre-talk begins by exploring why the client has sought help. The difficulty of forming new, positive habits is explored, with the acknowledgement that commitments often fade away after their novelty has worn off.

"Natural self-discipline" is explained as the antidote for waning enthusiasm. The concept is described simply as a value system that prizes behaviors that match with the client's inner values. Quotes from highly successful people are used to illustrate this concept, helping to cement the notion.

The client is reminded that not all goals are equal, and that different goals may require different sorts of commitments. Some projects may not require daily efforts, but for learning a new language or beginning a new exercise routine, 25 minutes a day is often more effective for long-term success than working for much longer periods less often.

The induction begins by asking the client to think about the new habit they hope to create. They are guided to imagine what their future will feel like if they have incorporated this habit into their life.

The trancework focuses on preparing the client to develop their previously stated habit. They are reminded of the sensation of brushing their teeth. The activity is described as something they "just do" every day at the appropriate time. Other activities that fall into this category are listed, and embedded command anchors the concept deep in the client's unconscious mind.

The client is asked to imagine standing at a fork in the road, representing the choices they have in their life. The client is asked to picture their life if they took the path on the left, if they never made a commitment to their goal or built a new habit. What would the consequence of abandoning their goals be?

Now, the client is asked to look down the other path, toward a future where they have fully assimilated a new habit into their daily routine. As they imagine walking down this path, embedded commands direct the client to commit to this way of life and incorporate the habit at the core of their being.

The full script continues.

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