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Which course is best for me?

Hi Mark,

I am encountering some difficulty selecting the course(s) that would best suit me and would serve as a foundation for others down the road. I have been on a personal growth quest for the past six months due to infidelity and the near loss of my partner.

The roots of my bad decisions all point to communication breakdown, low self-esteem/self-worth/respect, need for approval, victimizing myself, manipulation, blaming (operating in a child persona, essentially). As a child, my feelings were invalidated and I have difficulty expressing myself to this day in fear of abandonment. I am finally seeing things for what they are. I am 31 years old, female, and (I want to believe) a good person.

I have even looked into the Hoffman Process and find that 'negative love syndrome', as they have labeled it, aligns with my patterns and habits from every angle.

I am trying to take full responsibility for the first time in my life and am terrified that I will continue to have setbacks that will result in the failure of my relationship. I have made great strides thus far, exploring meditation and mindfulness in particular to address my tendencies to sometimes be impulsive, talk too much, lie, or omit the truth (all stemming from the need for approval and the desire for love). I am also defensive, emotional, and can withdraw or avoid in place of dealing with the issue head-on.

Any suggestions on where to start with your courses?

Thank you,


This question was submitted by 'Shannon'

mark tyrrell

Mark says...

Hello Shannon, and thank you for getting in touch.

Often, what may seem like many issues are in fact one. Self-confidence, self-esteem, and depression even often result in less than perfect strategies for getting your basic primal human needs met. Look at the needs in that article and ask yourself how some of your emotional conditioning may be tripping you up from meeting those needs.

I suggest you take the '10 Steps to Solid Self Esteem' course, as it's such a good basis for emotional resilience and self understanding. It might be that at some time in the future you also take the '10 Steps to Overcome Insecurity in Relationships'.

I wish you well,


watch icon Published by Mark Tyrrell - September 14th, 2014 in

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