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How do I get the most out of your self-esteem book?


I would be really grateful if you helped me! I've bought your book The Giant Within: Maximize Your Self-Esteem. (In Swedish, it's called Bättre självförtroende steg för steg.)

It says, I think, that you should say, "You did that well!" when you've done something good. But should you say it out loud, up in your head, or 'with your inner voice'? (Maybe I can record the phrase and play it with headphones when I've done a good task?) And should you think about that good thing you did while you're saying it? Or should I just do it when I've completed the task? (Please explain precisely.)

Also, how do you stop comparing yourself with others? (Please explain precisely.)

And how do you get rid of an ugly picture and/or voice in your head?

Again, I would be extremely grateful if you helped me!

Best regards,


This question was submitted by 'Kim'

mark tyrrell

Mark says...

Hi Kim,

Thanks for getting in touch.

I'm not sure exactly which part of the book you are referring to. But certainly it's vital for anyone wanting to improve the health of their self-esteem to give fair attention to their achievements, accomplishments, and potential. It's always better to re-evoke the good feelings and memories when you focus on them, rather than just repeating words.

Since that book was published (about twelve years ago!), I have produced an online course: '10 Steps to Solid Self-Esteem'. This is an interactive course that enables you to challenge and vanquish that inner critic.

But in the meantime, you might find these articles useful: 'Do You Have an Inferiority Complex?', 'How to Stop Negative Thinking in 7 Simple Steps', and, of course, 'How to Boost Self-Esteem', although I'm guessing you may have read that last one already. We also have a hypnotic download available called 'Tame Your Inner Critic'.

All best wishes for your future. : )


watch icon Published by Mark Tyrrell - October 18th, 2014 in

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