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Is it possible to find my confidence at 45?

Dear Mark,

I am impressed with a couple of sessions and the change you have made in me with my listening to 'Accept Penis Size'! I am 45 years old and have never touched a woman so far because of this inferiority complex! One of my friends, 35 years back, had repeatedly told me that because I was fat my penis would be small! Not only that, but everyone in society and girls of my age ridiculed me that I was obese. I have been very successful in my education and career as a chartered electronic engineer with a waistline of 34 inches at present. I have this inferiority complex entrenched in me that society and women would ridicule me even now.

If it doesn't cost you much or if you have some free time, could you please guide me that at this age I would still be able to build my confidence to be manly enough to approach someone I admire or like? I have purchased the self-esteem pack and will follow it. Please keep my question anonymous - could be due to the low self-esteem. Thank you in advance!

With high regards,

One who is trying to overcome the inferiority complex

This question was submitted by 'Anonymous'

mark tyrrell

Mark says...

Hello and thank you for writing in.

What your friend said to you 35 years ago (when you were only ten!) was wrong in so many ways. The penis size of a ten-year-old boy before puberty is no gauge of future size. Being overweight can make any man's penis look smaller, but other than that, there is no correlation between being overweight and having a smaller than average penis. It sounds like you are more confident about that now, anyway, which is great news.

Most women are much more interested in the whole man - your intelligence, humour, energy. And any woman worth your time will like all of you the way you, as a man, 'fit together'. Ridicule from others can, as you've experienced, emotionally condition you to feel wrong things about yourself and your possibilities. This is what you are going to overcome.

I bet some of those who made fun of you way back then would give anything now to have a 34-inch waist. But your developing self-confidence is going to help you feel confident above and beyond such physical considerations. You are an intelligent, educated man. Children can be cruel and most adults who have developed at all will not ridicule you. If they do, they are not 'real' adults at all. When you start dating women, you need to be selective. What do I mean?

You need a 'sifting mechanism' to help you find the right woman. If a woman were to ridicule you (but for what?), then that's valuable feedback about her...not you. You will find a sensitive, kind, and decent woman. That may take a little 'sifting', because it's not going to just be a case of you accepting anyone who will accept you. I think you are 'a catch' without knowing that you are a catch (which will make you an even bigger catch ; ) ). You are going to be loved for something deep inside you.

So, that was the long answer. The short answer is: yes, you can now claim your self-confidence back from the lies of other people from the past.

All best wishes,


watch icon Published by Mark Tyrrell - April 13th, 2014 in

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