Testimonials for the Skin Picking Hypnosis Session
Read some great feedback from our customers
"For the first time in as long as I can remember, my fingers and nails don't look or feel a ravaged raw mess"
I have chewed and picked at my cuticles, sometimes until they bled, for as long as I can remember. I was always deeply ashamed of my ravaged fingers, which were so sore and awful looking. It was a horrible compulsive habit. Last summer, I got an awful infection in my thumb under my thumbnail, due, I am certain, to this habitual skin picking. I had to have antibiotics, but despite a brief lull, I carried on compulsively tearing away at the dry skin around my fingernails.
I found a hypnotherapist locally and was about to book an in-person session, which would have cost me around a hundred pounds. In the course of my Internet searching, I found your website and downloaded the skin picking hypnosis download. I listened daily for a week and for a month now, I haven't once felt the urge to pick at my fingers. For the first time in as long as I can remember, my fingers and nails don't look or feel a ravaged raw mess. The scarring is healing over. And to be honest, I feel a lot calmer myself.
I've downloaded a couple more tapes including a lovely one about self worth and a drifting off to sleep one. I am astonished at what a simple yet effective measure this has been and how it really seems to have knocked out a habit that has bugged me and shamed me for years. I am recommending your downloads to lots of people I know. Thanks.
This story came from Jane who is from London, UK.
"I can't begin to tell you how much you have helped me."

I have been finger picking since I was 4 years old; I am now 56 years old! Since downloading your app, my picking has almost completely stopped...I am speechless. I can't begin to tell you how much you have helped me... Thank you very much!
This story came from Gari Kersten who is from Grosse Pointe, Michigan, USA.
"I am no longer embarrassed to go to my hairdresser!"
Some years ago, I developed scalp acne and, along with it, the habit of scratching and picking at the outbreaks until I had large, ugly, painful sores throughout my scalp. I tried all manner of ways to break the pattern without success.
From the first session of listening to this audio, the picking reduced dramatically and after the week of daily sessions, it was completely eliminated and the sores healing well. I am no longer embarrassed to go to my hairdresser!
I now listen once or twice again when I get an acne outbreak just to ensure I don't relapse. Thank you for this amazingly simple, enjoyable, and affordable solution.
This story came from Susan who is a Retiree from Mapleton, Australia.
"I noticed a gradual reduction in the habit and after the recommended week it was all but gone"
For years I have been prone to picking and scratching and it's annoyed and embarrassed me so much.
After using the download for around four days I noticed a gradual reduction in the habit and after the recommended week it was all but gone. I do a weekly top up, but it has given me more confidence and if I feel that urge I just top up again using the app.
Absolute life saver for me. Thanks guys!
This story came from Graham.
* Results may vary from person to person. This is why we provide a no-questions asked 90-day guarantee to ensure you feel comfortable trying our downloads out. We believe they are the best available, and hope you will too.