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Testimonials for the Overcoming Procrastination Hypnosis Download

Read some great feedback from our customers

"I have a sense of don't quit till everything is done"

Scott Andrew Brown

The first time I used the procrastination hypnosis it worked. I completed all of my daily task 5 days in a row. I listen to the meditation first thing in the morning and I have a sense of don't quit till everything is done.

I've also listened to the stop binge eating one time a week ago and have not binged since then.


This story came from Scott Andrew Brown who is a Writer, evangelist, and seminary student from Myrtle Beach, DC, USA.

"These downloads are very powerful, and I am so grateful for having them in my life to listen to because they are changing my life and my patterns."

Kelly Michele

My introduction to hypnosis has come through a friend who is the best friend that I have ever had. This friend tells me the truth even when it is difficult because he truly cares for me and wants me to live a good life. After seeing how I was having difficulty concentrating or completing tasks on time, he purchased for me the Improve Concentration and Overcoming Procrastination downloads.

I have felt them make a big difference in my life as I am significantly more focused and improving all the time the way I do things. I am responding to people and tasks faster, completing projects quicker, and focusing so much more overall, in addition to making steps to create more tranquility around me such as blocking text messaging on my phone. Now there is more peace around me when spending time with my children and in doing my work, and I absolutely feel the downloads have helped make me a better mother.

These downloads are very powerful, and I am so grateful for having them in my life to listen to because they are changing my life and my patterns. If ever I skip a time and don't commit to doing them, I feel the difference - they are that profound of a tool for me. Thank you to everyone at Hypnosis Downloads and Thank You to my very Best Friend that I have ever had for giving me this life changing gift.

This story came from Kelly Michele who is an Artist from Kent Island, Maryland, USA

"The changes in habits were occurring without my conscious awareness... No additional concerted effort was required..."

Stan and Shanna

I downloaded and listened to a copy of your "Overcoming Procrastination" hypnosis recording without telling my wife. The next day, I was simply going about my business in what felt like a routine manner.

However, numerous times during the day, I found my wife chuckling for no apparent reason. Near the end of the day, I asked her what she thought was so funny. She replied, "Do you realize how many tasks you got done today that I know you've put off for months?" (She had somehow discovered that I'd bought and listened to that recording. Wives seem to know these things.)

The changes in habits were occurring without my conscious awareness... No additional concerted effort was extraordinary new-found discipline. I was still me... just better.

This story came from Stan Audette who is from Boise, Idaho, USA

"I feel like I'm more myself than I've ever been before. Thank you so much for these - it's worth every penny."

I bought a few of your hypnosis downloads recently and I have to say, they're working wonderfully!

I've been using the Concentration and Focus and Overcoming Procrastination pack and I've never felt more able to just zone out and work on my projects. Hours can go by filled with productive work and I won't have stray thoughts or the feeling of getting up and doing something else. If I didn't get these when I did, I would have been in serious trouble because I was at a point in my life where my projects were completely stagnant and immobile. Now they're moving right ahead and I'm getting to where I need to be! Thanks so much!


I downloaded the Self Esteem Booster and Believe in Yourself pack. Coming from a place of deep depression and self loathing, these have set me in a complete 180 after just the first few sessions of listening! I walk around with a grin on my face all the time and everyone I talk to can tell the difference. I feel so much more light and free and non-judgmental of myself and my actions. I even stand up straighter. I feel like I'm more myself than I've ever been before. Thank you so much for these - it's worth every penny."

This story came from Laura Dyess who is from California, USA

"I feel like a completely new person this morning..."

Wow, I have to admit that this has had a major effect on me overnight! I don't know if it's the mere subconscious act of wanting to address 'procrastination' in general or not, I feel like a completely new person this morning by having listened to the session last night before going to bed. Unbelievable really and I just wanted to thank you.

This story came from Anon. who is a business analyst from London, UK

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* Results may vary from person to person. This is why we provide a no-questions asked 90-day guarantee to ensure you feel comfortable trying our downloads out. We believe they are the best available, and hope you will too.