Help Your Client Drop the Idealism with the Stop Putting People on a Pedestal Hypnosis Script
Guide your client to realize that we are all just human beings, each with the same intrinsic worth
People can have a tendency to idealize others, rather than seeing them as the real, complex, fallible human beings they are.
The Stop Putting People on a Pedestal Hypnosis Script from The Script Collection was put together to help clients see others simply as fellow human beings, each with their own strengths and weaknesses.
The pre-talk gives the example of a teenage crush to show that we all idealize people from time to time, yet we are capable of escaping that distorted view. It takes a balanced view of putting people on pedestals, suggesting that it is not necessarily a bad thing in moderation but that doing it excessively can be uncomfortable and inappropriate.
It explains the aim of the session: not to avoid looking up to others altogether, but to break the habit by recognizing that "we are all human beings, with the same intrinsic worth and value." Finally, it assures the client that in doing so, they will start to relate to others on a more comfortable, relaxed level.
Guided breathing leads into a permissive description of how the conscious mind can effortlessly "wander off" as the rhythm of the words encourages a state of relaxation. The client is drawn out into their observing self to view their body relaxing twice as deeply, then asked to merge back into their body to experience the relaxation "permeating through [them]."
Confusing double meanings of "left" and "right" gently nudge the client to dissociate further, before a command to let go "all the way down now" leads into the trancework.
We transition into the story of a client who felt his friends and colleagues were superior to him. A description of the many ways in which he felt inferior provides a basis for the client to identify strongly with this sense of inferiority. The client now hears the script as if it is being said to this man rather than directly to them, averting any sense of pressure.
The client is guided to see the positive qualities of people they look up to "like glowing orbs of light." Through example, it is demonstrated that while we sometimes deny possessing these admired qualities ourselves, the very fact that we admire them shows that they are an integral part of our own personality and value system.
Now we enter into a gentle exploration of the human journey from infancy to adulthood, noting how we all go through periods of trying to act like an adult, but not quite achieving it. It is suggested that we all keep up this act to an extent - trying to look like an "accomplished adult" when beneath it all we are all vulnerable, we all have weaknesses, and we are all essentially quite ordinary.
A description of the heightened ease and openness with which we can connect with others when we come to this realization contains embedded commands that encourage the client to begin this process of change. The delight to be found in discovering the beauty and vibrancy of real human connection is compared to tasting fresh, home-grown produce after only ever having eaten artificial foods from a factory.
In real human relationships, it is critical to see and accept all of a person - the good and the bad, the unique and the ordinary. This message is reinforced by way of contrast, as it is explained that a celebrity fan tongue-tied with awe will never be able to truly connect with their hero, as their adulation will create a sense of distance.
The client is now asked to allow the part of them that has sometimes put people on pedestals to exist within them "as just one dimension of human experience." They are guided to realize that they can "step out of that role" at any time to see the reality: that people are all on the same level.
In this way, it is suggested that the client can finally discover that the positive qualities they had admired in others - the "glowing orbs of light" - are actually present within themselves. In this way, they can start to build confidence in their own capabilities and accomplishments, and to notice how, as they do, they become more able to naturally connect with people.
Finally, the client is asked to "get a sense of a future you doing that now." They are guided to notice how it feels, both physically and emotionally, to communicate with an implicit acknowledgement of equal value and worth, and to consider how this can lend a sense of relaxation and confidence to all their interactions.
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