Help Clients Speak Clearly with the Reduce Filler Words Hypnosis Script

Boost confidence and help your clients relax when they speak

When people pepper their language with filler words or phrases like "um," "uh," and "you know what I mean?" it undermines their point and distracts their listeners. Once people notice their filler words, they can become nervous and self-conscious when talking, which only feeds the problem.

The Reduce Filler Words Hypnosis Script from The Script Collection was put together to help clients feel more comfortably speaking and slow down their speaking rhythm to naturally help eliminate fillers.

An extended pre-talk opens the script by explaining the problem. The concept of filler words is explored with nuance. The client learns that fillers don't always produce negative reactions in listeners and can serve a genuine purpose. Studies show a scant amount of filler words can actually increase listener attention and improve the relatability, however an overreliance on fillers creates negative impressions. The client is assured that the session will not eliminate their use of filler words.

Different reasons for filler words are listed. Some people use fillers out of a nervous habit. Others rush to speak, getting their words out so quickly that their thoughts struggle to keep up. In those cases, filler words act can hold listeners' attention while their minds get back on track.

The client is assured that in these instances, filler words are unneeded. Pauses work just as well. Speaking with a slower rhythm and with a calmer mindset is even better, and can naturally reduce the need for fillers.

Once the client is assured that the session can help them achieve a calmer, slower, and more confident speaking style, the induction begins.

It employs embedded commands that instruct the client to "relax very deeply" and "allow those eyes to close." The client is asked to imagine a tree growing in a forest, "unselfconsciously" stretching from the soil to sky.

The client is told to draw in a slow, deep breath, hold it, and release. They imagine a place associated with "comfort and wellbeing" that they can revisit as they need. An embedded command tells the client "take in the good" from that place before they are slowly guided through a progressive relaxation and brought into a trance state.

As the script moves on, the client hears real-life examples of things that are good in small doses. They are asked to consider a room with too much clutter. The solution isn't to discard everything but the essentials. It's to "declutter wisely" and keep things that are enjoyed as well as what's essential. Embedded commands instruct the client to feel the release of letting go of unwanted clutter.

The client is assured their unconscious mind can apply a decluttering philosophy to their communication. It can review their speech from a listeners' viewpoint and make adjustments to keep essential and enjoyable elements while discarding what's not helpful.

The client is directed to notice how the bits that aren't necessary, the filler words, can be "set to one side." This feeling brings relief and can allow the client to speak "naturally and confidently."

An embedded command instructs the client to imagine themselves speaking in a way that is clear, confident, and calm in their own "natural rhythm." As they listen, they are guided to internalize these changes until they become second nature.

A brief analogy likens learning to speak effectively to first learning to drive. New drivers often over-rev their engines or stall out because it takes time to learn to drive smoothly. But, over time, they fall into a rhythm and switch gears and slow down with ease, producing a smooth ride.

Focus returns to speech. Flowing language immerses the client with assurances they can speak clearly, calmly, and slowly. Embedded commands, such as "take your time" and "speak in your own rhythm," help to anchor these ideas in the client's mind.

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Reduce Filler Words is also available as an MP3 download.

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