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I am tormented by my own imagination. Please help!

Hi Mark,

I am 24 years old. I am totally affected by over-thinking and having an overactive imagination. Because of this, I am not able to grasp the reality of situations. I frighten myself by imagining unnecessary things. I can understand that I create most of the problems through my imaginings, which were not actually bad in the first place. Nowadays, I am shouting at everyone and feeling jealous for no reason. I am finding reasons to show anger towards everyone, including my close relationships. How can I control myself? Please help.

This question was submitted by 'Sathish'

mark tyrrell

Mark says...

Hi Sathish,

Well, the good news is that you know it is your imagination that has been causing you problems, bending reality to fit your mindset rather than being a reflection of a genuinely scary reality. That understanding is a real step forward.

It's so easy for people to miss the fact that all fear is produced within the imagination. This doesn't mean that people who are afraid necessarily make up threats (because some threats are very real), but it does mean that if we are swept along by our own imaginings, which can relate to real threats as well as feared ones, we lose control of our own emotionality.

I am going to recommend you read '5 Sure-fire Ways to Overcome Fear and Anxiety Today', '7 Tips for Overcoming Jealousy in Relationships', and 'How to Control Your Emotions'. When reading these pieces, think about the role imagination plays in causing people problems while it has such potential to bring wonderful things into existence through human creativity used properly. Put the tips into practice rather than letting them skim off your mind whilst you search for the next fix. They will help you.

In the meantime, practice grabbing hold of the reins of your imagination by calming down and just quietly watching what you imagine, almost as if you were watching a movie. It's a great step forward when we learn to 'direct' our own movies and not feel that we are caught up in them or forget they are figments of a misused fantasy.

All the very best for a bright future,


watch icon Published by Mark Tyrrell - March 27th, 2014 in

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