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Testimonials for the A Warm Place Hypnosis Download

Read some great feedback from our customers

"I would recommend this download to anyone having difficulty sleeping or relaxing, since it helped me do the same"

"I understood the nature of hypnotism through talking to a friend, reading books, and having a session with a local hypnotist. My grandfather, a doctor, was a hypnotist. He was a rational, down-to-earth person, so I never felt it was something to be afraid of. He told me several times that a hypnotized person never did things they would be opposed to if not hypnotised. He used hypnosis to cure my brother's fear of flying, for good."

"I'd had terrible insomnia, for several years. Finally, I thought of my brother's "cure" of his flying phobia, and wondered if it could help me. I used a number of downloads for relaxation and insomnia every afternoon for several weeks, but ' A Warm Place' was my favorite. Jill Wootton's voice and her metaphors could work wonders."

"I would recommend this download to anyone having difficulty sleeping or relaxing, since it helped me do the same."

This story came from Jean Arnold who is an Artist from Salt Lake City, USA

"I learnt how to relax and control my temper"

"I have a very bad temper, and I shout and quarrel for the least things - I had horrible moods."

"I used your relaxation downloads and I learnt how to relax and how to control my temper. Of course still I don't control myself 100%, but there are many improvements in all situations - especially with kids and in driving jams."

"I noticed that nothing was really worth getting upset about. I learnt how to enjoy life how to take it easy."

This story came from Elaina S who is a General Manager from Amman, Jordan

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* Results may vary from person to person. This is why we provide a no-questions asked 90-day guarantee to ensure you feel comfortable trying our downloads out. We believe they are the best available, and hope you will too.