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Testimonials for the Speed Reading Excellence Hypnosis Session

Read some great feedback from our customers

"The most shocking revelation was when I took tests for university papers, the answers just popped out of my head as if the tests were too easy."

Just wanted to tell you that I've gone back to using hypnosis for speed reading and to express how helpful I've found it.

Overall after taking the speed reading course by Howard Berg, it was very helpful to manually speed read, however strangely the comprehension and the ability to go through material quickly was actually quite a bit better with the help of hypnotherapy.

The most shocking revelation was when I took tests for university papers, the answers just popped out of my head as if the tests were too easy. Then, when I stopped taking hypnotherapy and started slowing myself in an attempt to improve comprehension (and manually speed read), the test scores starting taking a bit of a dive.

Test scores of '10/10 or 9/10' with hypnosis to '8/10 or 7/10' without hypnosis. This was ultimately because with speed reading hypnosis, I was reading the chapters needed 5x over at around 2.5x speed (what took 2 hours before, took 30-45 minutes).

Another miracle that others have noticed was that my facial tics have gone which had been a huge issue since childhood, this is one thing that definitely bids well with me without a shadow of a doubt.

Just wanted to express my gratitude for your work and great customer service along with it. I do not believe hypnosis is perfect and that it may also have quite a bit of downsides, but for now must admit that there are far more positives than negatives.

This story came from Ji.

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