Testimonials for the Quit Smoking Hypnosis Download
Read some great feedback from our customers
"These sessions are the real deal"
At first I was slightly skeptical that a self-hypnosis product would help me. I have been a lifelong smoker, 45 years! I am not finished with my 10 part sessions. I am on Session 9. I decided to quit yesterday though and I will be finishing my sessions and using them to reinforce my decision to quit going forward. I have purchased some additional sessions already to use in another area of my life where I want to see change. These sessions are the real deal as far as I am concerned. If you find it easy to meditate and visualize then these will work for you. I highly recommend.
This story came from Rita V who is a Retiree from Pickens, South Carolina, USA.
"I felt no pressure or stress or like anything was being taken away"
The self-hypnosis works on your self-conscious exactly as advertised. I felt no pressure or stress or like anything was being taken away. I just did not want it anymore. I am grateful to be a non-smoker but prefer to remain anonymous because all my smoking was "in the closet" and I am embarrassed to admit I even needed the help.
Anonymity Requested
"I've absolutely no interest or longing for a cigarette now"
My name is Anne, a 53-year-old woman smoking since I was about 13. I've tried stopping smoking many times in many ways over the years but have always gone back in a short time again. Hypnosis has worked for me so far, I'm 8 weeks off and I feel like I never smoked, it's unbelievable I'm so happy.
Once I stopped I hardly missed them, I had only a few cravings and that was usually when I had seen someone else light up a cigarette and I had no withdrawal symptoms at all which made it so much easier. I bought a vaporiser for nicotine replacement a few weeks before just in case I needed backup and hypnosis didn't work, but I never used it once. I know it's early days but I know the way I feel now I will never smoke again because it's just like they say: it's just something you once did. I've absolutely no interest or longing for a cigarette now.
I listened to the 10 part download over a week or so and didn't give up although I did cut down. I decided to start again the next week and at about step 8 on Sunday night something just clicked, I got up out of bed and threw my tobacco, tips, and papers in the fire and that was it - no more smoking.
So happy I bought my hypnosis download because I really was thinking I would never be able to stop. It not only helped me stop smoking, it opened up my mind to other things I could do too and things that were bothering me in my personal life. I've honestly not felt this good in ages and I've got hypnosis to thank for the peace of mind I now have. This is a 100 percent honest testimonial. Allow yourself be hypnotised, relax and accept it, it really does work that's all I'm saying.
I since bought a diet one so I'm working on that now. I'll update on that when it works fingers crossed it will work for me like the stop smoking did. Good luck hope whatever you try works for you too.
This story came from Anne C who is a home carer from Ireland.
"What I experienced was a point when my body wouldn't let me any more - when my lungs refused to inhale the smoke, and my hands stubbed the cigarette out."
I did not experience a point when I suddenly realised that I just didn't want to smoke. What I experienced was a point when my body wouldn't let me any more - when my lungs refused to inhale the smoke, and my hands stubbed the cigarette out. This was very early in the process, after the first or second download, I think.
After this there were days of withdrawal symptoms - headache, confusion, loss of concentration, loss of patience - which I just had to put up with because I couldn't smoke any more no matter how much I wanted to, which was bizarre.
And I do still think about smoking - after all, it was something I did many times every day for 38 years. I would be seriously worried if your downloads somehow managed to wipe that from my memory!
The withdrawal symptoms are now easing, and I have absolutely no intention of taking up smoking again. It's a habit that I've wanted to be free of for a long time, and one which your programme has proven to be an effective and rapid antidote to (however it works!) and well worth the money.
This story came from Sharon Mitchell who is a graphic designer and writer from Glasgow, Scotland.*
"Although I have had stressful times in my life since taking the course, I never wanted to "ease" them with a cigarette anymore."

I have been among your listeners since 2012 and profited from the downloads in many ways. I have used specific downloads not only to deal with stress and to improve general wellbeing but also to tackle specific problems such as self-confidence.
I used to be an on-and-off smoker usually resuming during stressful times. The course on smoking cessation has freed me of this habit for good. Although I have had stressful times in my life since taking the course, I never wanted to "ease" them with a cigarette anymore. I am truly grateful that you created this course and proud of myself that I made the change.
I have made these downloads part of my daily routine. They now help me getting on the right track in achieving my next goals in life.
Thank you again for your great work and have a lovely day!
This story came from Kristine who is from Berlin, Germany.
"Love the course and have recommended to others."
I'm on day 10 of being a nonsmoker after smoking for 40 years. I still have my pinch points and have gum to help - but hey - it's better than smoking! Love the course and have recommended to others.
I like the nonjudgemental, stop when it's right for you approach. Especially loved the sailing metaphor story- that has stuck in my mind. Thanks for helping me to be free. Best wishes for continued success.
This story came from Pauline W.
"I seem quite happy and am enjoying the benefits of not being a smoker. I've smoked for 40 years. Now I am enjoying a new life."

I've have had problems with my teeth and have had many pulled. About 2 years ago I quit smoking, I knew I had to if I wanted to save the remaining teeth. And let me tell you, it is a bummer not to be able to eat! I spent good money on the drug, Champix (it might be different in English) and I did stop smoking for about 9 months. Then a friend was smoking a cigarette at my house and I smoked one too. It wasn't long before I was a smoker again. It is depressing and I knew I had to quit again, but couldn't get myself to do it. I needed help.
I have a friend who suggested your web site. Without knowing anything about hypnosis I dived in. I figured that it had to be a bit like meditation which I do have some practice doing. It seemed to work.
I am amazed at the course you offer. I quit about a week ago after listening to step 7 (for the third time).
I am most amazed that quitting this time was not a struggle and I seem quite happy and am enjoying the benefits of not being a smoker. I've smoked for 40 years. Now I am enjoying a new life.
Thank you!
This story came from Linda Harbert who is a Landscape Painter from Oaxaca, Mexico.*
"Now I don't even want a cigarette. I don't even want to be around people that smell like smoke."

"I actually quit smoking a few days before I found the hypnosis downloads. I started doing yoga for the first time in my life and it really changed how I deal with situations. It has inspired me to use healthier outlets instead of toxic crutches to deal with my stressors.
The How to Quit Smoking Hypnosis has taught me the psychological and physical addiction side to smoking and has helped me understand why my body craved nicotine. I smoked for 20 years. Now I don't even want a cigarette. I don't even want to be around people that smell like smoke. That makes me almost sick to my stomach. When my body does crave nicotine it doesn't crave a cigarette, just the nicotine and I let that feeling pass through me. It goes away within a couple minutes. Cigarettes no longer dictate my life. I love letting my hair down and it still smells like shampoo.
I love being able to wear a scented body spray and know that I smell nice not like cigarettes. I am not longer embarrassed about this awful habit. It got to the point where I didn't enjoy smoking, it was an embarrassing addiction. Thank you"
This story came from Kelly who is a Staff Sergeant in the US Army from Washington, USA.*
"Forget the patches, forget the gum, get this download it really does work..."
I was a little unsure before downloading as it was the first time I had anything to do with hypnosis so I didn't know if it would work for me.
I'm 41 years of age and have been smoking cigarettes since the age of 11 years. I have lost count of the number of times trying to free myself from the filthy habit. Countless numbers of cigarette packets under the tap, only to buy a pack the next day and choof away with lots of angst.
I purchased your '10 Steps to Become a Non-Smoker'. I listened to each step about three times a day and some days I listened to 2 steps in 1 day. After 4 days I was ready to stop smoking and I did so. It has been 6.5 weeks since my last cigarette. I managed to stop with the slightest of cravings, your download has made it painless, I just wish I was aware of it 20 years ago. Forget the patches, forget the gum, get this download it really does work.
This story came from Simon Barnees who is an Electrician from Warranwood, Australia*
"On the 21st of May 2011, I became a non smoker..."
"On the 21st of May 2011, I became a non smoker.
I listened to all the downloads, two or three more than once, mainly on consecutive days but sometimes more than one a day. I began to not want to smoke two or three days before I quit, occasionally begrudging handing over cash for them, annoyed that I had to go and smoke because it dictated to me that I 'had' to.
Annoyed and frustrated with its grip, in the early evening, I made a certificate which claimed my becoming of being a non smoker with the motto that every day I am further away from the 'mountain' also with the goal that I will in the future run ultra marathons. I worked out how far I could walk (in reality) each day and I decided that it would be 45 miles. So, up to today, I am 225 miles away from that stinky mountain.
The first day, the 22nd, I went through hell. Yet, the funny thing was, although the body and brain and mind wanted to be free of its torment, I didn't want to smoke. Never once considered buying any. As far as I was concerned, I had quit. No longer a smoker or ex smoker but a non smoker.
So thank you. I can get on with my life now.
Regards, Gary Tuck."
This story came from Gary Tuck*
"After 25 years of smoking I have totally quit..."
I am a general physician dealing in psychotherapy and hypnotherapy. That is a MD GP, pscho-hypnotherapist & EFT'ist.
I divorced and faced bankruptcy several years ago and during that mourning period I felt some pain in my chest. I was smoking one pack/a day for around 26 years. I had an MRI and found that there was a narrowing of 30% in the descending coronary artery, and the situation was serious so I decided to quit.
Several attempts have failed due to "I don't want to stop smoking because I love it" excuse. This time I really decided to quit and also was trying to go back to my own profession as physician (I was doing marketing training in the pharma industry). I had a chance to train in hypnosis and psychotherapy consecutively. During hypnosis training I decided to quit by the help of hypnosis but to be on the safe side I also started Zyban. I could not find a proper hypnotist here in Turkey (a non-expensive one I mean), so I decided to go through a downloaded recording.
I wanted to stop smoking and needed somebody that was not dictating to me to stop smoking. I listened to the '10 Steps to Become a Non-Smoker' downloads at the same time every day. Gradually I refrained from smoking and later I totally quit. I listened the download every day at 11:00 a.m., the time when my urges were highest.
After 25 years of smoking now I have totally quit smoking and can not cope anybody smoking near me. The fume of the cigarette suffocates me. After all those unsuccessful trials, now I feel like I have never smoked cigarettes.
The best part is I can not remember the smoking actions and feelings associated with it. This is the best aid I could have received, and being a medical doctor I recommend the download to my patients who understands clean English.
This story came from Dr Candan Esin MD GP who is a general physician dealing in psychotherapy and hypnotherapy from Istanbul, Turkey*
"It has now been 1 month and 3 days."
I really want to say thank you so much. I used to think I will never be able to quit smoking (more than 1 pack a day) but after downloading the program I did it!!! in just one week. It has been now 1 month and 3 days.
Thanks again,
This story came from Maria who is a banker from Ocala, Fl USA*
"Since I tried it I haven't smoked..."
"I thought that this would be like any other kind of scam or something that you would buy and listen to thinking it was working and make it feel that way in your head."
"When I tried the ' Exercise Motivation' download it really started to work - I gained 6 pounds and started getting back into shape now I'm back in kick boxing and loving every minute of it because I can do those fun things again now."
"I had tried Exercise Motivation and Quit Smoking - Stay Stopped - it was a circle trying to get in to shape while smoking so I thought I might just try to do both. Since I tried these excellent products I haven't smoked or missed a gym work out I'm pretty confident they have given me the drive to get on with my life again and live a lot more healthy."
This story came from Nigel Buchanan who is in Retail from Victoria, B.C.*
"I hate cigarettes so much that I am positive I will never smoke again."
"I had never used hypnosis before and just wasn't sure I should trust in it to work for me."
"After smoking for 38 years I wanted to quit but didn't think I could do it. I decided to try the Quit Smoking Stay Stopped hypnosis download. I listened to it 3 times and set a date to quit. On that date I listened to it just before I smoked for the last time, then just quit, I was able to go 1 maybe 2 days before I would listen to it again to help me get through the urge to smoke, after a week I no longer needed to listen to the hypnosis and don't need the cigarettes anymore."
"It has been over 3 months since I last smoked and hate the cigarettes so much that I am positive I will never smoke again."
"Any smoker who wants to quit but can't for what ever reason. It worked so well for me that I can't imagine it not working for anyone who has even a small urge to do it."
This story came from Steve Weinfurter who is a Supervisor from Kewaskum, Wisconsin USA*
* Results may vary from person to person. This is why we provide a no-questions asked 90-day guarantee to ensure you feel comfortable trying our downloads out. We believe they are the best available, and hope you will too.