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Testimonials for the Reinvent Yourself Hypnosis Download

Read some great feedback from our customers

"Every morning I'm thrilled to wake up and looking forward to listening to it."

Photo of Renuka Lakhani

Thanking you from the bottom of my heart. I love it so much that every morning I'm thrilled to wake up and looking forward to listening to it eagerly. It has already changed my inner mind and looking forward to exciting future as I'm reinventing myself in new ways. It's really amazing. Thank you!

This story came from Renuka Lakhani, who is a microbiologist and researcher in Raw Vegan Diet from Sugar Land, Texas, USA.

"After using, I found myself having a less negative outlook and able to more quickly recognize and stop negative thoughts."

After using, I found myself having a less negative outlook and able to more quickly recognize and stop negative thoughts. Starting new pack and have positive expectation of further improvement in mindset and outlook.

This story came from Bruce, Attorney, USA.

"I am having the absolute best sleeps in many years, and presume that in a few more weeks will be off meds completely."

One month ago I was shocked when a visit to the doctor registered my blood pressure as "dangerously high" at 160. Yesterday [one month later] my doctor was thrilled at my new results, a normal reading of 130/80. My cholesterol which had also been at 8.6 and warranted a serious caution was now reading at 5.1 [normal]. My doctor was delighted and suggested that I "Frame those results". He was even more surprised to know I had achieved them without the blood pressure medication he had given me.

This is the first success from my purchase of "Reinvent Yourself"! Other health downloads I purchased changed my eating habits easily and without stress and I'm sure the lowered cholesterol was a direct result of my diet changes.

Originally I had linked to your website from a story of a man who helped his wife through withdrawal from antidepressants. Prior to this I had read an amazing book by a Dr. Breggin re withdrawal from antidepressants and had begun my taper from antidepressants, sleeping pills and anxiety meds. However, Dr.Breggin is not only a psychiatrist he provides "empathic counselling" as the major part of his therapy.

I live in New Zealand, Dr. Breggin lives in America , so I was not able to have any therapy with him. I learned a huge amount from his book but it was obvious that I needed support to be able to withdraw from antidepressants as it is a daunting task. I found this support through your hypnosis. Your varied downloads helped me to cope with not only withdrawal but to get to the reasons that led me to need antidepressants in the very first place. I have downloaded many- discovering one after another the layers of stuff in my brain and life requiring attention.

The only one now I am missing is "Freedom from addiction to Downloading amazing Hypnosis ". Gradually I have withdrawn from medications by using your hypnosis to help with the very difficult stages of withdrawal. I am now off antidepressants completely as of 3 weeks ago, and I am on minimal doses of sleeping pills. I am having the absolute best sleeps in many Years, and presume that in a few more weeks will be off meds completely.

I have returned to looking forward to the future and to living happily in the present and progressed now to the Success downloads. You guys are my little support friends in my ears. I thank you most sincerely for the excellent work you do.

This story came from Annie Smith who is from New Zealand.

"With your help over the last few months I have found the courage to leave my toxic job, cope with a lot of stress, and emigrate from Ireland to Australia!"

With your help over the last few months I have found the courage to leave my toxic job, cope with a lot of stress, and emigrate from Ireland to Australia! Thanks again for everything, you have supported such great changes in my life.

This story came from Tracy who is from Australia.

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* Results may vary from person to person. This is why we provide a no-questions asked 90-day guarantee to ensure you feel comfortable trying our downloads out. We believe they are the best available, and hope you will too.