Testimonials for the Prepare for Surgery Hypnosis Download
Read some great feedback from our customers
This video is a testimonial from Marie, who used hypnosis sessions to prepare for and recover from a surgery, and experienced less pain, more calmness, and faster healing.
"Even my doctor marveled at how well I was doing after surgery!"
I used Preparing for Surgery and Fast Natural Healing in the weeks prior to my surgery. In doing so, I felt very prepared - mentally, emotionally, and physically. I went into my surgery feeling calm and my recovery was the best it has ever been. (I had several surgeries in the past when I didn't use hypnosis downloads.) Even my doctor marveled at how well I was doing after surgery!
This story came from Marie Cancellieri who is a Wellness Coach from Connecticut, USA.
"My surgery was so much better and a breeze."

I recently came across your site and downloaded your audios of surgery before and after healing. I am pretty sure that it helped me tremendously because I had my surgery on my hip on Tuesday, came home, and I have been in little pain thus far. I have been in good mood and spirits and I have been playing the after healing one as well. I have to tell you I am 80% kinesthetic and the other audio. So I was unsure of the outcome but am very satisfied. Thank you for your service. I still have a ways to go, but I am feeling much better at the progress and the pain level. I had a bilateral hip FAI impingement with a shredded labrum.
I also bought your Drift Off to Sleep MP3 download. I have Hoshimoto's disease, which causes anxiety and difficulty sleeping. And I had such success with your MP3s for pre- and post-surgery that I decided to give this a try. I am still amazed that after 7 weeks it still works. I mean, you listen to it and think, "Well, that was nice...okay..." Then, before you know it, you're asleep and you are out until the morning. Sleeping normal is very abnormal and I keep thinking in the back of my head this is too good to be true, but it is and for that I thank you!!!
(NB. Angelia also sent this follow-up some time later:)
So three months ago I had a surgery for my right hip for an FAI impingement surgery where they removed 2 inches of bone and half of my labrum. I purchased the before surgery the night before and then the post sugery MP3. I did have a good recovery according to the doctor.
However, here we are 3 months to the day I had the left hip done which also had the same amount of damage. I chose to listen to the before surgery for 2 weeks prior to surgery and then the after healing MP3 after surgery.
I was walking without pain and crutches also zero painkillers including over the counter and even before I got my stitches out I was walking by myself. We are talking zero assistance at the 10 day mark! What was funny is my doctor asking me where my crutches were and having to make sure I was really okay. She had me walk and then get on the table to examine my hip's range of motion, which was almost normal - so much so, my doctor released me from coming back.
This time my surgery was so much better and a breeze. I just had to let you know the followup!! Thank you once again for making a difference in my life and recovery.
This story came from Angelia Johnson who is a relationship coach from Vancouver, Washington, USA.
"My recovery from major surgery this summer went incredibly smoothly and quickly."
I'm pleased to say that my recovery from major surgery this summer went incredibly smoothly and quickly. I have to believe that this was influenced by my use of the Pre Surgery Hypnotic download as well as the Fast Natural Healing and Strengthen Your Immune System downloads.
I had surgery in 2001 for a hernia repair that needed to be repaired again this summer. I had a lot of anxiety about the surgery because what I remember about the recovery was that it was long and painful.
A colleague of mine mentioned the field of pre surgery hypnosis and I tracked down these downloads. I listened to the pre surgery download about five times over two weeks before my surgery and the other two downloads over the course of the first 24 hours of my recovery in the hospital.
While I was at the hospital overnight, every nurse who examined my incision site was amazed with how there was no evidence of bruising. In addition, the pain I experienced following the surgery was much less than the first time I had the surgery; going off pain meds within the first three days, versus the one to two week period I was on them the first time around.
I can't say enough about how thankful I am that I learned about the use of hypnosis for this particular situation. As a psychotherapist who regularly refers client to online meditation apps, I now have another tool to offer them to work on different challenges.
Thanks so much again Hypnosis Downloads!
This story came from Lisa D. Delchamps who is a licensed mental health counselor from Medway, Massachusetts, USA.
"The session did calm me and help with my overall attitude throughout"

I had been to a hypnotherapist in past years for sleep problems and he got to the bottom of issue first visit! I was sold then! But discovering that I had a need for open heart surgery from an undiagnosed issue all my life - 61 years - kind of jumpstarted me for this help! The download was listened to at least 5-6 times each over 2 weeks prior to the surgery. I am 12 days post-surgery and there have been couple of minor setbacks, mainly to my sensitivity to the heavier meds used for the 5-hour procedure! But overall I feel the session did calm me and help with my overall attitude throughout.
This story came from Brian Twomey who is a gardner from Manitoba, Canada.
"I felt an instant weight off my shoulders after listening to this download for the first time"
The Prepare for Surgery download was an invaluable tool assisting me in the lead up to my abdominal surgery. I had a lot of anxiety around the procedure because I didn't know exactly what I would wake up to having had done. I felt an instant weight off my shoulders after listening to this download for the first time. I usually listened every other day for a month before the surgery. The visualisations in it are incredibly relaxing and allow you to go very 'deep'. I felt so much more positive about it all. I also used the Fast Natural Healing as a compliment to this one. I cannot recommend them enough.
This story came from Michelle who is an Illustrator from UK.
"I had my surgery on my hip on Tuesday came home and I have been in little pain thus far."
I recently came across your site and downloaded your audios of surgery before and after healing..I am pretty sure that it helped me tremendously because I had my surgery on my hip on Tuesday came home and I have been in little pain thus far. I have been in good mood and spirits and I have been playing the after healing on as well. I have to tell you I am 80% Kinesthetic and the other audio. So I was unsure of the outcome but am very satisfied. Thank you for your service.I still have a ways to go but I am feeling much better at the progress..and the pain level...I had a bilateral hip fia impingement with a shredded labrum...
This story came from Angelia Johnson who is a Relationship Coach from Vancouver, WA, USA.
"Awesome job, you totally aced it. You guys are doing amazing work, thanks again so much for fundamentally transforming my experience!!! full marks for uncommon knowledge!!!"

I have to take my hat off to Roger, Mark, and the gang. I have been using your downloads consistently for about a year now and enjoyed the results, but I had a chance to put your work to a more serious test today.
Several weeks ago I was scheduled for a (minor) surgery, which for my own reasons about I had some serious concerns about, and had some periods of quite acute anxiety on the matter. I promptly loaded up Maximize hypnotic response, better hypnotic subject, combined with prepare for surgery and heal fast after surgery - I started them 4 days ago daily, and I must say the results were absolutely clear. Last night before my surgery putting on the pre-op soap, I actually felt kind of giddy and cool about the whole thing, slept like a log, then woke today cool as a cucumber and ready to rock.
From the moment of intake until they put me under I felt very comfortable, joked with the staff, and only had slight periods of nervousness - but they passed very quickly and without any real effort on my part. In fact, I have to say, that while it differed in details, the whole experienced followed Mark's descriptions in "prepare for surgery" in very closely in terms of the actual substance of the experience. I woke after the procedure feeling comfortable and cheerful (if a bit dopey and over confident - I have never been under before) and despite my surgeon's warnings about the possible severity of the pain, I have not felt any need for medication ( I took some because he said to, but I had no distress at all ) and my appetite was back with a vengeance, none of the dizziness or nausea I was warned about.
Awesome job, you totally aced it. You guys are doing amazing work, thanks again so much for FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORMING MY EXPERIENCE!!! FULL MARKS FOR UNCOMMON KNOWLEDGE!!!
During the post-op debrief my surgeon said, "It went as well as it could," so it seems the hypnosis had some benefits that made his work easier as well.
This story came from Joshua Lenti-Jones who is a Practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine from Vancouver, Canada.
"I am convinced that the preparation work I did with Prepare for Surgery and the post surgery work I did with "fast healing after surgery" were critical to my very successful surgery and amazingly fast recovery."
I just want to thank you for two of the downloads that I found extremely helpful: preparing for surgery, and fast healing after surgery. I found your site because I was looking for hypnosis help to deal with pain.
I was scheduled for knee replacement surgery, my second knee. The first knee was a nightmare, as it took a long time until it was determined that very few pain medications work for me. While my doctor was now well aware of the situation, and we had a pain consultant involved this time, I still was looking for anything that might additionally help.
Ironically, I did not find the pain relief downloads particularly helpful. But I DID find the "preparing for surgery" amazing, and I am convinced that the preparation work I did with that download, and the post surgery work I did with "fast healing after surgery" were critical to my very successful surgery and amazingly fast recovery. So I really did want to let you know how much I appreciate these downloads. I am still facing more surgery for other issues, and I know I will be using both of these over and over again.
Thank you, again.
This story came from Patricia who is from Minnesota, USA.
* Results may vary from person to person. This is why we provide a no-questions asked 90-day guarantee to ensure you feel comfortable trying our downloads out. We believe they are the best available, and hope you will too.