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Testimonials for the Overcome Porn Addiction Hypnosis Download

Read some great feedback from our customers

"I don't even have to think about it or fight it. It just stopped."

I recently bought the 'Overcome Masturbation Addiction' CD and the 'Overcome Porn Addiction' CD.

They actually work. I'm 31. I normally masturbate two to three times a day on weekdays and more on weekends. It got to the point that it was making me feel exhausted and fatigued and tired at work. Sometimes I would end up doing it at work in the men's room because I just felt like I had to and that I couldn't focus on doing anything else until I got it out of my system. On weekends, I have done it eight or more times in one day. I am also addicted to pornography. I look at free porn sites all the time. I've masturbated so often for so long that it has had long-term effects on my health and energy.

I started listening to the masturbation addiction CD and my masturbation has been reduced to a bare minimum. Now it's zero to one a day. It really works. I don't even have to think about it or fight it. It just stopped. I am striving for zero because I see no real purpose for it. Whenever it does happen, I just listen to the MP3 on my cell phone and I don't need to do it again. I am able to stop after just one time.

My ability to work at my job has increased. I am no longer tired or fatigued. All these years, I've been drinking caffeine and taking supplements and vitamins to compensate for the tiredness caused by masturbating.

I do listen to the MP3 every day. I occasionally miss a day. At the minimum, I listen every other day at least. In two weeks, I have reduced my masturbation to zero to one time a day and I haven't watched a single porn flick. I've hardly needed to use the porn addiction CD. The masturbation addiction CD has cured my porn addiction as well as my spending too much time on Facebook.

I am also using a stress reduction CD set by another developer that uses sounds and frequencies to induce states Alpha, Beta, Theta, and then back to Beta. My other CD system does a lot of good and claims to help get rid of addictions. It was no match for my masturbation addiction or my porn addiction. My other system helped me recover from my porn/masturbation addiction, but didn't get rid of it.

I've been trying to handle this for years. I've looked into various therapies. I was considering visiting a professional hypnotherapist in San Francisco, where I live, but they charged $200 USD per hour. I can't afford that, so I decided to give hypnosis CDs a shot.

These actually work and they are cost effective.

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