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Testimonials for the Performance Anxiety Hypnosis Download

Read some great feedback from our customers

"There's a time for thinking and analysing and then... there's a time to switch off and go into "doing and action" mode."

I have been listening to this hypnosis session regularly, but more recently every morning and most evenings. It is helping me to trust in all the skills, intuition, and muscle memory I have developed over the years and it's helping me too to block out distractions. The more I listen, the more relaxed I become. The more I practise, practise, practise, the better I become and the more 'in the flow'.

There's a time for thinking and analysing and then... there's a time to switch off and go into "doing and action" mode. If it can help me, it can help all of us.

Living alone isn't always easy, no one to boost my confidence or to tell me everything is ok, and if anything goes wrong, it's up to me to sort it out. Listening to this tape has helped me to deal with so many other aspects of my life. I'd like to thank my coach for coaching me, recommending this tape, believing in me, and giving me the tools to help me 'get my mojo' back.

This story came from Mrs. Lesley Tring who is a Retired Widow from England, UK.

"I nailed it thanks to this audio!"

Photo of Rachel Eckhaus

I nailed it thanks to this audio!

I'm a piccolo player in the Westchester Symphonic Winds - a 65-piece all-volunteer community band here in the Hudson Valley of New York. And this holiday [US Independence Day, 4th of July] is the most terrifying for me - playing the "Stars and Stripes" solo from memory in front of 2000 people... I've never gotten it right - until this weekend!

I listened to "Overcoming Performance Anxiety" all week leading up to the concert. I usually spent the entire concert worrying about the last piece - then I'd overthink it and forget the notes.

This time, I was calm and focused and actually enjoyed playing the solo.

Thank you for helping me get my head straight and being awesome on stage!!

This story came from Rachel Eckhaus who is a Chief Financial Officer from White Plains, New York, USA.

"It's helping me to get closer to the right mindset. I find the downloads very relaxing too."

So far I've found the Hypnosis downloads quite helpful with overcoming my fear of singing in front of people. I've been much less fearful of singing with my teacher. It's a lifelong fear so I'm still battling with singing in front of my husband, strangely... but it's helping me to get closer to the right mindset. I find the downloads very relaxing too.

This story came from Renee who is a Self-employed from Adelaide, Australia.

"These sessions are helping me through my process of improving my performances"

I suffer occasionally from stage fright and performance anxiety, and these sessions are helping me through my process of improving my performances. I already spread the word and I know that some of my musician friends are interested in these sessions.

This story came from Xavier Díaz-Latorre who is a Concert player from Spain.

"It helped me to focus on playing the game rather than what could go wrong"

I was reluctant before buying a download because I didn't know if would work or not. And it did!

I used ' Performance Anxiety' for basketball and it helped me to focus on playing the game rather than what could go wrong.

I would recommend it to anyone that has had the same fears I did have. It really does help to keep you focused on what's happening now instead of what could happen.

This story came from John Wesley who is a Student from Daytona Beach, USA

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* Results may vary from person to person. This is why we provide a no-questions asked 90-day guarantee to ensure you feel comfortable trying our downloads out. We believe they are the best available, and hope you will too.