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Testimonials for the Patient Parent Hypnosis Download

Read some great feedback from our customers

"From the first time I listened I noticed a shift in how I was speaking to my kids and have not been angry at all towards them, I feel completely calm."

I was losing my temper with my kids most of the time and not speaking to them in a very nice manner. They would especially push my buttons in a bad way when they would fight amongst themselves and constant whinging I cannot tolerate. A friend mentioned she was using hypnosis downloads and mentioned she was about to do the patience with children download so I signed up and did the same. From the first time I listened I noticed a shift in how I was speaking to my kids and have not been angry at all towards them, I feel completely calm. Somehow my kids are not whinging so much and not fighting! I have since listened to the download for 7 days per the suggested time frame and it has worked a treat, thank you!

This story came from Rachel, Practice Manager / Mum, who is from Auckland, New Zealand.

"By and by I am beginning to feel more confident and more in control in scenarios that used to drive me crazy in the past."

Dear Uncommon Knowledge team!

I would like to share with you my experience with the hypnosis download "Patient Parent". Before I listened to your download, I confess I often felt overwhelmed and stressed as a parent. I would not say that I was generally impatient - I had no problem explaining things to my kids or playing with them. But when it came to small things, like getting dressed or travelling, I really struggled. These things seem to me so trivial that I expected them to be done smoothly and quickly. When my kids would not get dressed or would fidget and whine, I just felt my blood pressure going right up.

After I listened to the "Patient Parent" download for the first time, I noticed that I was able to detached myself a little from my stress and impatience. I went on listening to the download for the whole week and gradually, I started to feel more in control in stressful situations. Not that the stress disappeared, but now I find myself remembering that I do not have to get angry. I started noticing that I often created stress myself - that it was not the situation that was stressful, but rather my behaviour within it.

By and by I am beginning to feel more confident and more in control in scenarios that used to drive me crazy in the past. I also noticed that I look with lesser anxiety towards potentially problematic situations - this in turn makes me calmer during these situations. Having more control over my own behaviour and being able to stay calm also makes me feel better about myself as a parent - again helping me to be calmer and more balanced.

Through your download, I feel as if I have started with a few small steps and now I am reaping exponential benefits. I would like to thank you for this from the bottom of my heart!

This story came from Helena B, who is from Vienna, Austria.

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* Results may vary from person to person. This is why we provide a no-questions asked 90-day guarantee to ensure you feel comfortable trying our downloads out. We believe they are the best available, and hope you will too.