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Testimonials for the Stop Obsessive Thoughts Hypnosis Download

Read some great feedback from our customers

"Each day my mind is getting better and better."

I have been struggling with intrusive thoughts for a long time. It had taken over my mind. I have had lots of hypnosis; however, the intrusive thoughts would not go away. I listened to Stop Obsessive Thoughts hypnosis and after a few times, I could manage thoughts so much better. I am actually committing to listening to it for 30 days, as each day my mind is getting better and better. It has really been a godsend to me as I couldn't get out of the thoughts. This has really had a massive impact; I truly am grateful.

This story came from Mark Stephen who is a Media and Public Relations Officer from United Kingdom.

"Your product is the one I think I can say made a noticeable difference in a short period of time"

It is hard to give a testimonial to say "am I better after with this than I would have been without" because I cannot compare my self side by side with a before and after. Having said that, I truly do feel that after 5 days listening to each of the first 3 sessions I purchased, that they all have had a noticeable impact on me. The issues I was having have all subsided. I truly believe that. I also find myself performing relaxation breathing automatically without thinking about it. I have used other products from other companies, NLP-based or two voice Ericksonian Hypnosis, and your product is the one I think I can say made a noticeable difference in a short period of time, where the other ones did not.

This story came from Brian Vroomen who is a Controller, Automobile Dealership from Ontario, Canada.

I've sampled many versions of hypnosis and therapy medication and nothing has helped me more than these downloads.

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"Excellent scripting and the soothing voices of Mark and Roger make things easier for me"

"I am so glad to let you know that your new hypnotic download 'Stop Obsessive Thoughts' is just great. I have been using this for the past 2 days and have found a slight improvement in my thought patterns."

"I was constantly thinking of the same repetitive thought which was taking me nowhere."

"Your download was blessing in disguise as I can now stay away from those/any unwanted thoughts. With some more practice, I am sure I would be able to focus on things more easily."

"Also your 'Self Confidence Trainer CD' is working wonders. I am now more focused and have stopped worrying about my speech. I rather reassert myself that I will focus on the issue instead of worrying. There are 'other CD's' from your site as well, which I will use once I am done with this."

Excellent scripting and the soothing voices of Mark and Roger make things easier for me.

This story came from Sandeep who is a Help Desk Analyst from Alberta, Canada

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* Results may vary from person to person. This is why we provide a no-questions asked 90-day guarantee to ensure you feel comfortable trying our downloads out. We believe they are the best available, and hope you will too.