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Testimonials for Male Sexual Hypnosis Downloads

Read some great feedback from our customers

"Last night I was so relaxed and in control with my partner. We had amazing sex. It was beautiful."

I can't thank you enough.

I don't know exactly what impact your hypnotherapy had on me... All I know is that for the last 2 weeks I've been beating myself up with a performance anxiety battle, which really extends throughout my entire sexual life (I'm 30 now).

I've been doing breathing exercises to help me relax, but after listening once to your audio hypnotherapy, I really did see sex in a new light.

Last night I was so relaxed and in control with my partner. We had amazing sex. It was beautiful. I felt connected, relaxed, confident, and satisfied. I believe this is partly down to the way your hypnotherapy "brought me down to earth" and put some perspective on the issue.

I cannot thank you enough.

I'll be continuing my relaxation techniques and investigating more of your material in a hope to continually develop my sexual confidence.

I'll recommend your site on my blog:

Thanks again!

This story came from Simon, Leeds, England.

"With discipline and patience, it has significantly improved my mental health"

Hypnosis Downloads has been a big piece in the puzzle of anxiety management for me. The pairing of deep relaxation with suggestions and images in my subconscious attacks my anxiety in two ways: reducing my physical symptoms while chipping away at my faulty thinking at the same time. Like everything in mental health, it is not an instant cure, but with discipline and patience, it has significantly improved my mental health and feels like a tangible exercise I can do to improve the way I feel, which is therapeutic in itself.

This story came from J.T who is a Social Worker from USA.

"I was having impotency problems and your sexual downloads really got me back on track."

Just thank you to everyone for excellent hypnosis downloads that have no doubt helped me tremendously. I was having impotency problems and your sexual downloads really got me back on track. Also, I am much less of a shy person and much more outgoing, confident, and friendly thanks to various other downloads. The titles that have helped me the most are "Overcome Sexual Performance Anxiety" and "Believe in Yourself". I have already purchased a grief download as my partner and wife of 22 years will be passing away very soon due to a long illness. Besides group and friends and individual supports, I will no doubt be using your grief download to also help me when the time arrives. Thanks again, all of you, for your caring and help. YOU GUYS ARE GOOD!!!!

This story came from Rick S who is a Chef from Independence, Missouri, USA.

"I was only able to come to orgasm occasionally and usually wound up giving up in frustration."

"Dear Roger and Mark,

Two years ago my sex life was a mess. I thought of trying hypnosis but was turned off by the hype. I visited several sites on the internet and ran across yours. Your simple straightforward explanations and appoach gave me the confidence to try.

At the time I purchased my first download I was having difficutly getting and maintaining an erection. I was only able to come to orgasm occasionally and usually wound up giving up in frustration.

After using a series of five downloads: 'Overcoming Impotence', 'Overcoming Sexual Performance Anxiety', 'Overcoming Delayed Ejaculation', 'Sexual Enhancement for Men' and 'Increasing Libio' and listening to them frequently, I can honestly say that I am a changed man. And a very happy one. I now quickly acheive an erection that lasts. I usually now have at least two orgasms and enjoy sex on a daily basis.

Thank you so much for being there when I needed you.

Thank you.

P.S. Did I mention that I am 65 years old. :-)"

This story came from a Male Teacher from Ann Arbor, USA

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* Results may vary from person to person. This is why we provide a no-questions asked 90-day guarantee to ensure you feel comfortable trying our downloads out. We believe they are the best available, and hope you will too.