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Testimonials for the Let Go of The Past Hypnosis Session

Read some great feedback from our customers

"All the previous insecurities that I had...have disappeared."

I want to say thank you. Over the last two weeks, I changed tack in dealing with my depression, which has been extremely bad in the last year. I have been using Unloved as a Child and Overcome a Troubled Childhood in the morning on waking, and alternating No Regrets (which is my all-time favourite), Let it Go, and Let Go of the Past. I love listening to them, it's so relaxing.

The great thing is that I am no longer anxious or depressed. All the previous insecurities that I had, including some I didnt even realise I had until they were gone, have disappeared and I feel like what I imagined 'normal people' felt like. I'm not hung up on all the things that used to cause horrendous repetitive thoughts, I don't even think about them now and if they do pop into my head for a second I just mentally swat them away because they aren't important to me now.

I just wanted to let you know what a huge difference you have made. Thank you all so much for all your work.

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"It's like my private therapy session on my time and in the comfort of my own home/environment"

I've been holding on to a lot of stuff in my life! All of the Uncommon Knowledge hypnosis downloads help me tremendously. I'm like a new person! Roger Elliott's soothing voice and personal guidance lulls me into a relaxed state. My heart and mind open up to drawing out the impurities and replacing them with positive and uplifting feelings. Sometimes I even catch myself crying because he has the knack at drawing out the sad, negative mire that I've been stuck in.

Currently I have 17 downloads! Each one is specified for a certain time in my life that I require some assistance. It's like my private therapy session on my time and in the comfort of my own home/environment. Kudos to Roger! Thank you.

This story came from Suzie-Q who is a realtor from Florida, USA.

I am feeling much calmer, much cooler now than I could ever imagine since I've started using the download. I am less worried and anxious.

This story came from Jay who is a teacher from Canada.

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* Results may vary from person to person. This is why we provide a no-questions asked 90-day guarantee to ensure you feel comfortable trying our downloads out. We believe they are the best available, and hope you will too.