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Testimonials for the Interview Anxiety Hypnosis Download

Read some great feedback from our customers

"I no longer get very stressed at the prospect of having to attend yet another interview"

"I downloaded ' Interview Anxiety'. I played it a few times and found it very thoughtful and helpful. Indeed, I no longer get very stressed at the prospect of having to attend yet another interview and that is a big advance for me."

"I would recommend it to anyone going for a serious interview. It is even beneficial to those of an older vintage like me who have not attended an interview in years and need all the help I can get to think quickly under pressure and not show any excess of unease and nervousness."

This story came from John O'Mahoney who is an Accountant from Limerick, Ireland

"The calm and confidence I experienced during these 2 interviews was a direct result of working with both hypnosis downloads"

"I would like to share my first experience from a few days ago with the purchase of your 'Building Self Confidence' and 'Interview Anxiety' hypnosis downloads."

"I have been looking for work for a few months and was getting ready for 2 important interviews this Monday and Tuesday. I truly felt the effect of both of these downloads during the interviews. I was able to remain calm and in control. I had been very anxious that the words would not come out right and my nerves would get the best of me since I had not had to interview for a position for many years."

"The calm and confidence I experienced during these 2 interviews was a direct result of working with both hypnosis downloads (Confidence and Interview Anxiety) prior to attending the interviews."

"I got job offers from both of these jobs! It has been a very eventful few days and I have accepted an exciting positing with an Consulting Firm as an IT Senior Business Analyst."

"The hypnosis downloads are top notch. I have already recommended to a few friends and family."

This story came from Sandra Tait who is an IT Senior Business Analyst from Toronto, Ontario Canada.

"I think the hypnosis played a crucial role in me succeeding."

"I used the 'Public Speaking Confidence' and 'Interview Anxiety' interview downloads. Usually I'm very nervous doing public speaking and interviews but in this case I passed and got the job! I think the hypnosis played a crucial role in me succeeding. "

"Thank you for all your help and good work."

This story came from Chris Westray who is a graduate from Guildford, Surrey. Chris used the downloads to pass a high level assessment day for a graduate recruitment company for a blue chip sales/marketing job.

"...I did feel a lot more confident in that second interview, presented myself well... I've just received a job offer this morning!"

"I've lost out on so many jobs because I was too quiet/shy and just not confortable with interviews, conveying underconfidence to the employers."

"In preparation for my second interview I downloaded your 'Interview Anxiety' and 'Overcome Shyness and Social Anxiety MP3s and was naturally skeptical. But I did feel a lot more confident in that second interview, presented myself well and I've just received a job offer this morning!"

"I am sure that your hypnosis MP3s played a crucial part in making me confident enough to get through. Thank you."

This story came from a Systems Analyst/Web Designer from the UK

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* Results may vary from person to person. This is why we provide a no-questions asked 90-day guarantee to ensure you feel comfortable trying our downloads out. We believe they are the best available, and hope you will too.