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Testimonials for the Insecurity in Relationships Hypnosis Download

Read some great feedback from our customers

"It sort of felt like having a sympathetic friend in my ear, reminding me that the sky was not falling and that I would be ok."

I listened to these downloads to help me overcome insecurity in a difficult relationship - and once it was over, to soothe the pain of the breakup. While the relationship wasn't meant to last, these downloads were an important self-care tool to help calm my extreme anxiety and give me a more distanced and rational perspective on the relationship. It sort of felt like having a sympathetic friend in my ear, reminding me that the sky was not falling and that I would be ok. After a while, many of the key phrases and images became like a habit, popping into my head to help calm me down when I was ruminating, or my anxiety was triggered. Very similar in results and philosophy to mindful meditation - would highly recommend to anyone dealing with high stress, or someone who wants to have a more grounded, present-focused approach to life.

This story came from Tamara who is a Policy Analyst from Toronto, Canada.

"My perspective has life has changed"

I have struggled with not being secure in relationships for my entire life. I stumbled upon your site and saw other testimonials from people that had the same problems as me. It was the first time in 36 years of relationships that I discovered that I wasn't alone! It was so comforting! I decided to try the Insecurity in Relationships download. I can't explain how much it has helped me!

My perspective has life has changed. I had felt that there was something seriously wrong with me that I couldn't fix. This program has been a life saver! Thank you!!

This story came from Trish Zatkoff who is from Columbia, Kentucky, USA.

"You've really helped me change my outlook and given me valuable tools"

I was surprised and impressed at how thorough and accurate these downloads are. There's nothing magic about the hypnosis technique but there is something extremely therapeutic about listening to these practical suggestions in a relaxed state. The advice is spot-on and you can tell Roger and Mark have really listened to their patients over the years to come up with the range of topics they offer and the professional manner in which they present them. Thanks guys, for the support. You've really helped me change my outlook and given me valuable tools to deal with my problems.

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"I found I didn't care any more what people thought..."

"Let's see. Well, I was always afraid to give my opinion, and I would clam up when people would call on me to speak in a group. Freeze up, you know what I mean? "

"And then after I listened to your 'Insecurity in Relationships' I found I didn't care any more what people thought. I mean, who are they if they think badly about me or judge me?"

"I have to say I tried numerous books, especially Doctor Claire Weekes work, and I never seemed to find a relief. There is definitely something in your sessions that have me thinking a different way now, I just don't know what it is lol"

"But it's working, so I guess that's all that counts, right? And I was able to tell people that I was not available to do what they wanted me to (an example is I have a friend in the building who always calls when he has nothing else to do, and no one else to talk to. And I listen and listen and then when someone else shows up at the door, or one of his soaps comes on the TV, he abruptly says goodbye, and I'm wondering why I keep letting him do that to me?) (there are other people who would do similar things, but that is just an example)."

"So he called last week and I wished him a happy Christmas and I was able to say that I really didn't have the time to talk on the phone, but I would be happy to have him up for tea, face to dface, when he was available. (I figured I would be able to get a word in edgewise that way :-) "

"Anyways, he called to wish me a happy Christmas on Christmas morning, but didn't stay long on the phone. And he called again a day after Christmas, but was quick with what he wanted to say, and apologized for disturbing me and was gone :-) "

"I know I need to keep it up, because my whole life I was always there for everyone, to listen, to do their errands, etc, and always put my needs and myself last, and ultimately, never really had time left for me. Well that's changing, thanks to you! "

This story came from Tamara Wall who is a Home Decorator from Toronto, Ontario, Canada

"...the download slowly began to help me see things differently."

"Nowadays we're all used to being able to download music to our iPods so why not download something even more valuable? I was particularly reassured by the 90-day money-back guarantee you offer too."

"I used your 'Insecurity in Relationships' download to help. My problem was taking things very personally if people didn't call me back after a date etc. I would feel that there was something wrong with me because they didn't want to meet up again, for example."

"I listened to the download for 'Insecurity in Relationships' every day for several weeks. I really began to look forward to having a deeply relaxing half hour to myself each day. That was a treat on its own. Better than that was that the download slowly began to help me see things differently. The part that really stayed with me was that when someone rejects us, it says something about them as well as us; maybe they just can't see our good qualities."

"I'd recommend this download to anyone who has waited for a post-date telephone call (or text) that never arrived!"

This story came from Matt Tavener who is a Student in the UK.

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* Results may vary from person to person. This is why we provide a no-questions asked 90-day guarantee to ensure you feel comfortable trying our downloads out. We believe they are the best available, and hope you will too.