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Testimonials for the Enjoy Housework Hypnosis Download

Read some great feedback from our customers

"It worked instantly, I could even feel myself smile during certain parts of the session. I only needed to use it ONE TIME!"

I used Enjoy Housework the same day I bought the download. It worked instantly, I could even feel myself smile during certain parts of the session. I only needed to use it ONE TIME! I enjoy my housework now!
I recommend you to everyone I meet :)

This story came from Lisbeth Vanslette, who is from Florida, USA

"I don't see the whole thing as a disaster, just a room that will take a few minutes to straighten up..."

Dear Roger,

I wanted to let you know how powerful your 'Enjoy Housework' download is.

I hated to do housework. I would get angry and feel miserable even thinking about doing housework. With 5 children it was a real problem. I did not like to cook because cooking made a mess that had to be cleaned up. Also, I would not put up holiday decorations because they would make a mess and have to be cleaned up. I didn't want people to sit on my couch because I would have to straighten the covers when they left. I did not want company or parties at my home because I would have to clean before AND after they left. I preferred to go to work and I worked a couple of jobs so that I did not have to be at home.

The real problem was how angry I would get at everyone when I cleaned everyday. I was taught that one could not have fun until all of the work was done. I thought that everyone was having fun but me and I resented anyone who made work for me. Now, I can look at a messy house (after grandchildren and kids visit) and not get angry. I don't see the whole thing as a disaster, just a room that will take a few minutes to straighten up. Amazingly, I came home from work and cooked dinner for my son, daughter-in-law, husband and grandson the other day. Then I straightened up the dining room and kitchen and happily visited with my family while I was doing it. Sometimes, I just enjoy doing it to do it. It's like I can have fun while working. I enjoy my home and I enjoy my husband, children and grandchildren.

Thanks so much for making my life better.

This story came from K. Weber, who is from New Mexico, USA

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* Results may vary from person to person. This is why we provide a no-questions asked 90-day guarantee to ensure you feel comfortable trying our downloads out. We believe they are the best available, and hope you will too.