Testimonials for the Food Addiction Help Hypnosis Session
Read some great feedback from our customers
"Helped me put distance between myself and the urge to binge"
I've struggled with food addiction for 10 years and this hypnosis helped me put distance between myself and the urge to binge. I can think more clearly about food for the first time and I'm losing weight without dieting.
This story came from Paula, who is a writer in Brisbane, Australia.
"At the age of 67, I truly thought I would be obsessed with food forever"
I've purchased quite a few hypnosis downloads from Uncommon Knowledge. The two I'm currently listening to are 'Night Eating' and 'Food Addiction'. These two hypnosis sessions have completely turned my life around and this is no exaggeration! I no longer binge at night and food is no longer uppermost in my mind. It's like a switch has been flipped! At the age of 67, I truly thought I would be obsessed with food forever. My only wish is that I found Uncommon Knowledge sooner! Thank you so very much!
This story came from Kathleen Mary Williams, who is a retired Women's Aid worker from South Wales, UK.
* Results may vary from person to person. This is why we provide a no-questions asked 90-day guarantee to ensure you feel comfortable trying our downloads out. We believe they are the best available, and hope you will too.