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Testimonials for the Overcome Fear of Flying Hypnosis Download

Read some great feedback from our customers

"I felt quite calm and happy and even the odd amount of turbulence did not phase me at all."

I am writing to say how wonderful I found your Hypnosis CD on "Overcome Fear of Flying". For years I have not wanted to fly but since using the tape I have now flown from New Zealand to Thailand and back. I felt quite calm and happy and even the odd amount of turbulence did not phase me at all. I used the CD for a complete week before flying and did some breathing exercises when first in my seat on the plane, from then on I was fine. Highly recommend this CD to anyone with a fear of flying.

This story came from Elizabeth who is an Artist from Hamilton, New Zealand.

"In the summer of 2008, I decided to try hypnosis with the "Banish Your Fear Of Flying" mp3 from Hypnosis Downloads"

"I hadn't taken an airplane flight since 2002, after some major turbulence during a winter storm on a small 'puddle jumper'."

"In the summer of 2008, I decided to try hypnosis with the "Banish Your Fear Of Flying" mp3 from Hypnosis Downloads."

"Since then, I've taken almost 20 flights and am heading to a tropical island in two weeks!"

This story came from Jared Morrison who is a Custom Installer/Aspiring Novelist from New York City

"It was truly a Godsend to be able to stay calm as winds of over 170 miles an hour ripped our house apart"

"I have used hypnosis for years, and was very excited to find your products."

"I have many of your titles, but the one I have used the most is ' A Healthy Rest'. On a recent 10 hour plane trip, I downloaded many titles to my 10 year old daughters MP3 player, and we both used them throughout our trip."

"My daughter loves the ' Overcome Fear of Flying', and ' Overcome Fear and Anxiety'. We recently endured a hurricane in Florida which was very frightening, and she uses the hypnosis to calm her fears during storms. While we were huddled in a closet during the storm, as the world blew up around us, we stayed calm using techniques we have learned through your online courses and downloads. It was truly a Godsend to be able to stay calm as winds of over 170 miles an hour ripped our house apart. God Bless you for providing these wonderful downloads. We are customers for life!"

This story came from Brenda Berry who is a Sales Representative from Franklin, NC

"I was amazed at the quick and powerful change in mindset I have achieved with your products"

"Let me also take a moment to thank you for putting out these products, and making them available for download."

"In particular, I used your 'Fear of Flying' download when I unexpectedly had to fly cross-country this Summer."

"I listened several times before the flight, then in the waiting area at the airport, then once in the air, and the flight went quite smoothly. I was amazed at the quick and powerful change in mindset I have achieved with your products."

This story came from Bill who is a Web Manager from Massachusetts, USA.

"Needless to say, I was feeling pretty good about that $12.95 ... I'm calling it the best thirteen dollars I've ever spent in my life!"

"I couldn't be more pleased with! I have always felt uncomfortable on airplanes, and I was actively dreading an upcoming flight to the Dominican Republic, when I stumbled across your website."

"Deciding that $12.95 would be a reasonable price for even a slight improvement in my state of mind, I downloaded the Fear of Flying audio track."

"I burned it to a CD, and listened to it several times leading up to my trip, planning to listen to it again on the plane. To my astonishment, I didn't even need it! Not only did I feel at ease on the smooth flights (even, for the first time in years, enjoying the view from the window!), but, incredibly, I was one of the most relaxed people on a 5-hour connecting flight that was so enormously turbulent that other passengers were literally screaming and clutching the seats in front of them."

"Needless to say, I was feeling pretty good about that $12.95 ... I'm calling it the best thirteen dollars I've ever spent in my life!"

"I'm now looking forward to actually enjoying travel with my family. Thank you so much, and keep up the good work!"

This story came from Alexander Fox, who is a Film & Video Producer from Charleston, SC USA.

" heart rate barely accelerated - I was even able to appreciate the view without feeling anxious..."

"I love to travel, but have hated flying for the last 15 years or so. I would start to become anxious DAYS before the flight. If I saw a plane in the air, my stomach would instantly become sick and my legs would feel weak. My husband and I had this drill worked out for flying - it was awful. I did not want to take Valium or other rx drugs to relax, but I do get motion sickness, so my routine flying experience was to take Dramamine, which does make me drowsy, and drink a lot of bourbon before getting on the plane. Then, I would bury my head in my husband's shoulder, dig my nails into his hand and arm and whimper until we were at cruising altitude. I would gasp at every instance of turbulance and ask if it was "normal." Upon descent and landing, I'd repeat the above panic session. I would feel traumatized by the time we'd get to our destination."

"I did some research and ordered your Fear of Flying mp3. I grew up with hypnosis in my life, so I knew that it worked, but thought that my fear of flying was too drastically beyond reason to be overcome. I figured that I had nothing to lose and knew that the hypnosis would relax me, at least. I listened to the program 3 or 4 times before our flight last Thursday. I started to listen at the airport before boarding and just felt so calm that I turned it off."

"We had 2 flights to get to our destination and 2 flights back - I never panicked or felt any more anxiety than I would in a car or on a bus. Our flight series included two bumpy landings, a lot of turbulance and a really small aircraft. It was like a miracle! I kept asking my husband if he could believe it was me! I watched the take-offs and the landings from the window and my heart rate barely accelerated - I was even able to appreciate the view without feeling anxious. I feel totally liberated! Even though I approached this solution with skepticism, the results were amazing! Thank you so much! I just downloaded the ' Weight Loss Program' to try out as well!"

This story came from Nicole, who is a Quality System Specialist from Pittsburgh, PA USA.

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* Results may vary from person to person. This is why we provide a no-questions asked 90-day guarantee to ensure you feel comfortable trying our downloads out. We believe they are the best available, and hope you will too.