Testimonials for the Overcome Fear of Bridges Hypnosis Download
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"I just wanted to say Thank You for turning my life around. Several months ago I developed a paralyzing fear of driving over bridges"

I just wanted to say Thank You for turning my life around. Several months ago I developed a paralyzing fear of driving over bridges. That is not good living in Jacksonville, FL, USA as the city is nicknamed "The River City". It is almost impossible to avoid bridges.
I went to my company benefits department and was given an appointment to see a psychologist. His advice, after about 30 minutes of talking, was for me to drive repeatedly over a bridge to desensitize myself. The problem was I couldn't force myself to cross a bridge once, much less repeatedly.
In desperation I started searching the web looking for something that would work. Your site and references to your work kept popping up. Like a lot of people I was very skeptical of hypnotism but I was desperate and the price was reasonable.
I purchased the Fear of Bridges mp3 last weekend and over the course of this past week I listened to it 5 or 6 times, at various times of day. Because of my work schedule I didn't need to drive where there were any bridges this week.
I just returned home from taking a drive today that was planned to cross as many bridges in the area as possible, tall ones, short ones, over water, over railroads, straight ones and turning ones. After crossing the crest of the first bridge I came down the other side with an ear to ear grin on my face. It was wonderful.
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
This story came from Marc Maxwell who is a Distributed User Services Support Representative from Jacksonville, Florida, USA
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