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Testimonials for the Exercise Motivation Hypnosis Download

Read some great feedback from our customers

"Broad selection...allows anyone to learn, and access, the benefits of hypnosis"

I think you folks are fabulous! Your broad selection, with deeply pinpointed topics, allows anyone to learn, and access, the benefits of hypnosis. Your logical presentation of each topic (I have 5 other downloads, so far) make it impossible to disagree---OF COURSE, I WANT TO ACHIEVE ......

This story came from Jane Smith, who is a Design professional from Gulf Coast of Florida, USA.

"I enjoy exercise much more"

I found that the day after I listened to the hypnosis session I was keen to exercise, as opposed to thinking, "I should really go for a walk now," and then not going. I enjoyed walking and I also keep hearing a reminding voice in my head saying, "If there was a drug that lifted your mood, etc." I seemed to have enjoyed exercise much more and now have made listening and going for a walk into a habit of my day.

This story came from Julia Clegg, who is a Social worker from Western Australia.

"The day after receiving the upgrade, I've exercised 5-7 times per week."

I just wanted you to all to know this upgrade for 'Exercise Motivation Booster' has been a success for me. Since September 26, the day after receiving the upgrade, I've exercised 5-7 times per week. My sleep quality, feelings of calm and energy levels increased. I genuinely get excited to hop on that elliptical. Thank you for improving your product and sharing the improvements at no cost.

I'm excited to see further improvement with the additional downloads I've purchased.

This story came from Minerva who is a Nurse from Winnipeg, Canada

"...motivated me to exercise every day"

"I love hypnosis. It is relaxing, and always leaves you feeling refreshed."

"' Exercise Motivation' motivated me to exercise every day even though I haven't lost a single pound... at least I am exercising...walking 3 kms, weight training, and using Pilates videos."

"I would recommend this download to anyone who is not motivated to exercise."

This story came from Mary F De Luca from Burlington, Ontario, Canada

"I gained 6 pounds and started getting back into shape"

"I thought that this would be like any other kind of scam or something that you would buy and listen to thinking it was working and make it feel that way in your head."

"When I tried the Exercise Motivation download it really started to work - I gained 6 pounds and started getting back into shape now I'm back in kick boxing and loving every minute of it because I can do those fun things again now."

"I had tried Exercise Motivation and ' Quit Smoking - Stay Stopped' - it was a circle trying to get in to shape while smoking so I thought I might just try to do both. Since I tried these excellent products I haven't smoked or missed a gym work out I'm pretty confident they have given me the drive to get on with my life again and live a lot more healthy."

This story came from By Nigel Buchanan who is in Retail from Victoria, B.C.

"my body just knew that I wanted to train"

"Well, I wasn't sure about downloading this, as at first I thought I might find myself in a trance and be stuck in it because it was from the computer. But I read all the disclaimers, and was reassured by the fact I could stop it at any time."

"I play rugby for a local team, I wasn't the fittest person on the team, and I knew that I needed to be fitter to stay on the team, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it! Every morning I would wake up knowing I needed to run, or train, and my mind just wouldn't let me!"

"I listened to the exercise motivation download on a night, and in the morning I found myself wanting to train and I could picture it in my mind, I got home from school, and my body just knew that I wanted to train, I did it almost without thinking."

"I would recommend this download to anyone that needs to better themselves, or get good at a sport. Anyone wanting to better themselves physically, it really does work!!"

This story came from Luke Czirok who is a Student from Castleford, England

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* Results may vary from person to person. This is why we provide a no-questions asked 90-day guarantee to ensure you feel comfortable trying our downloads out. We believe they are the best available, and hope you will too.