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Testimonials for the Stop Emotional Eating Hypnosis Download

Read some great feedback from our customers

In this video you'll hear about Nori's experience of using hypnosis to overcome emotional eating and secret eating habits.

"It was like right after the first listen, I couldn't quite see how sugar should help me feel better."

I was so surprised by the how fast Stop Emotional Eating worked. It was like right after the first listen, I couldn't quite see how sugar should help me feel better. It was amazing. And it even had a side effect on other things. There is so much about separating emotional needs and food in that audio, so it feels like I'm suddenly much more aware of those emotional needs.

This story came from Nori Parelius, who is a Scientist from Norway.

"It makes me feel very comforted in my struggle with food."

I chose to download Emotional Eating, as I was struggling with that. The download was simple and downloaded and was usable straightaway. I didn't have to puzzle over how to download it and there were no glitches - which is very unusual nowadays!

As regards effectiveness, I have lost 1/2 stone [7 lbs.] in weight since I've been using it. The recording is very pleasant and gentle. It makes me feel very comforted in my struggle with food. The list of downloads is extensive and covers a very wide range of mental/emotional issues. I recommend this company.

This story came from Jan, who is a teacher (SEMH) from England, UK.

"The change has been remarkable."

I wanted help with eating only when I was hungry vs bored, tired, or lonely or just out of habit. The change has been remarkable. I feel more in control of my eating habits and I've been able to lose the 5 pounds I've been trying to lose for about a year. Thank you!

This story came from Ruth, who is a fitness trainer from USA.

"I stopped eating sugar, stopped getting sinus and other infections, my allergies disappeared, my cholesterol went down 40 points, and I lost 30 pounds in a year..."

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

I have purchased 32 mp3s in the past 2 years, and have benefitted greatly from most of them (the ones I have listened to, which is most of them).

However, I have to say that the most amazing download and one of my first was Stop Emotional Eating. I stopped eating sugar, stopped getting sinus and other infections, my allergies disappeared, my cholesterol went down 40 points, and I lost 30 pounds in a year and am maintaining that. Not bad for a 50 year old woman who practiced yoga only twice a week, meaning I was NOT knocking myself out exercising ALL THE TIME. Talk about a self-esteem boost!

I could go on and on about the benefits of Hypnosis Downloads, but I won't. The mP3s have helped me relax deeply as well as change thought patterns and behaviors. I am very pleased with my experience with Uncommon Knowledge. Highly recommend!

This story came from Diane who is a legal assistant from Washington, DC.

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* Results may vary from person to person. This is why we provide a no-questions asked 90-day guarantee to ensure you feel comfortable trying our downloads out. We believe they are the best available, and hope you will too.