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Testimonials for Weight Loss: Healthy Eating Hypnosis Dowload

Read some great feedback from our customers

"Hi!!! I got my Healthy Eating download last night. WOW, I have to tell you my story -- because its unreal."

"Hi!!! I got my 'Healthy Eating' download last night. WOW, I have to tell you my story -- because its unreal."

"I listened to my download the first time last night at 11 pm. I listened again this morning. I had to listen again this morning because I fell asleep half way through, but woke with a sense of having learned something. This morning I went to get my normal bowl of cereal. I usually fill the bowl to the brim. Today I shook the box and nearly 1 cup of cereal came out -- exactly 1 serving. I shook it again and only a few kernels of cereal came out. It was like my hand, the box, and the cereal all said Okay sister -- ENOUGH!"

"I also feel so good and relaxed this morning. Okay I'm convinced in just a few hours -- this worked for me. I can't wait to see if this will continue to work as good as it did on the first day."


This story came from Danna Gonzalez from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA

[Danna sent this follow up story letting us know how she has been getting on]

"WOW, this is great. I really meant everything I said. Even just yesterday I can give you another interesting story."

"Since Friday night, I have been playing the download morning and night. On Sunday evening, my husband took me to go eat ice cream and I ordered my usual chocolate hot fudge sundae w/peanuts. I took one bite and it tasted horrible."

"The funny thing other times it is the most heavenly thing I can eat. I kept eating the ice cream and it was just disgusting (i.e. not healthy). My husband commented, that hypnosis thing must really be working. I said it has to because I LOVE ICE CREAM. SO THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU."

"I will be getting more downloads and I've told people about it in my area. Actually a friend of mine just told me about it first. I will make sure and give her your email address so she can give you her story."

"Also, I have a community newspaper here in the Harrisburg area. I am going to advertise you for free. Please send me your mailing address and I'll send you a copy so that you can see. :) "

"I really believe in your product. Okay let me stop. I'm sure you're a busy man. Thank you very much."

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* Results may vary from person to person. This is why we provide a no-questions asked 90-day guarantee to ensure you feel comfortable trying our downloads out. We believe they are the best available, and hope you will too.