Testimonials for the Drift off to Sleep Hypnosis Download
Read some great feedback from our customers
"I have re-learned to sleep properly again."
The Drift Off to Sleep session has helped me to break the vicious depression cycle by finally getting some rest through the night. Mr. Elliot's soothing, calm voice and the interesting script can both focus and calm my otherwise racing mind. This way, I have re-learned to sleep properly again. The Drift Off to Sleep download, together with the Natural Depression Course, has lifted me out of my life-long depression - quite a new feeling after 30+ years of living in the shadows!
This story came from Peter who is a software developer from Austria.
"My surgery was so much better and a breeze."

I recently came across your site and downloaded your audios of surgery before and after healing. I am pretty sure that it helped me tremendously because I had my surgery on my hip on Tuesday, came home, and I have been in little pain thus far. I have been in good mood and spirits and I have been playing the after healing one as well. I have to tell you I am 80% kinesthetic and the other audio. So I was unsure of the outcome but am very satisfied. Thank you for your service. I still have a ways to go, but I am feeling much better at the progress and the pain level. I had a bilateral hip FAI impingement with a shredded labrum.
I also bought your Drift Off to Sleep MP3 download. I have Hoshimoto's disease, which causes anxiety and difficulty sleeping. And I had such success with your MP3s for pre- and post-surgery that I decided to give this a try. I am still amazed that after 7 weeks it still works. I mean, you listen to it and think, "Well, that was nice...okay..." Then, before you know it, you're asleep and you are out until the morning. Sleeping normal is very abnormal and I keep thinking in the back of my head this is too good to be true, but it is and for that I thank you!!!
(NB. Angelia also sent this follow-up some time later:)
So three months ago I had a surgery for my right hip for an FAI impingement surgery where they removed 2 inches of bone and half of my labrum. I purchased the before surgery the night before and then the post sugery MP3. I did have a good recovery according to the doctor.
However, here we are 3 months to the day I had the left hip done which also had the same amount of damage. I chose to listen to the before surgery for 2 weeks prior to surgery and then the after healing MP3 after surgery.
I was walking without pain and crutches also zero painkillers including over the counter and even before I got my stitches out I was walking by myself. We are talking zero assistance at the 10 day mark! What was funny is my doctor asking me where my crutches were and having to make sure I was really okay. She had me walk and then get on the table to examine my hip's range of motion, which was almost normal - so much so, my doctor released me from coming back.
This time my surgery was so much better and a breeze. I just had to let you know the followup!! Thank you once again for making a difference in my life and recovery.
This story came from Angelia Johnson who is a relationship coach from Vancouver, Washington, USA.
"After about a week of listening to the 'Drift Off to Sleep' program, I actually started falling asleep while listening to the audio and slept anywhere from 30 min to 2 hrs without any type of medication."
I have been suffering from severe treatment resistant depression for most of my life and have had to take prescription medication in order to fall asleep. It was impossible for me to fall asleep naturally unless I had gone 2 to 3 days with no sleep and my body just shut down.
After about a week of listening to the 'Drift Off to Sleep' program, I actually started falling asleep while listening to the audio and slept anywhere from 30 min to 2 hrs without any type of medication. I know that this will only improve as I continue ie to use the audio regularly and highly recommend everyone using the audios provided for any type of issues you want to address.
This story came from Richard Bailey who is a Cashier from Ontario, Canada.
"My sleep is gradually improving and I haven't taken a sleeping pill for a week!"
I have used your depression course (purchased several years ago) and found that very helpful and I've also found the anxiety downloads helpful. However, I just thought I'd let you know that Drift Off to Sleep is working best for me. My sleep is gradually improving and I haven't taken a sleeping pill for a week!
Anonymity Requested
"As I continued to use it, I noticed that my sleeps were more restfull."
"I am a regular Hypnosis Downloads customer, so I was not reluctant before downloading the 'Drift Off to Sleep' hypnosis session."
"Until recently, I've been able to fall asleep fast and sleep deeply. Over the last several months, I've noticed that even though I still fall asleep easily, I haven't been enjoying the deep restful sleep I've been accustomed to. After having success with other hypnosis sessions that I purchased from HypnosisDownloads.com, I decided that I would try out the Drifting Off to Sleep session."
"I fell asleep to this session every night for about a week before I noticed a difference. As I continued to use it, I noticed that my sleeps were more restfull. I no longer would wake up numerous times during the night, and in the morning would feel like I had had a "good nights sleep". I have also found this session useful during times of stress. In the past stress would have made it difficult for me to fall asleep, but with the Drifting Off to Sleep download, I can fall asleep fast no matter what."
"I have recommended your hypnosis downloads to many friends and familiy and will continue to do so."
This story came from Cheryl Kitching who is a Instructional Designer from British Columbia, Canada
"We woke up this morning feeling refreshed and rejuvinated as if we had had the most deep sleep we've had in 6 months."
"I was reluctant about downloading a hypnosis download mostly because I've tried so many other things to help me sleep and nothing else has worked. I almost couldn't believe that something so fast and so affordable could really help me,...but it's true,...It works! I had the best night of sleep ever last night."
"I have been having problems sleeping for the past 6 months. I've been miserable and looking for a remedy. "
" I downloaded 'Drift Off to Sleep' last night and played it for my husband and I last night. We woke up this morning feeling refreshed and rejuvinated as if we had had the most deep sleep we've had in 6 months. "
"Thank You so much for making this download affordable and easy to do."
This story came from Jennifer Munroe who works in Human Resources from Conyers, GA, USA
* Results may vary from person to person. This is why we provide a no-questions asked 90-day guarantee to ensure you feel comfortable trying our downloads out. We believe they are the best available, and hope you will too.