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Testimonials for the Dental Anaesthesia Hypnosis Download

Read some great feedback from our customers

"I listened to my 'Dental Anasthesia' before and while I had oral surgery. I felt calm and unfearful!"

Best purchase I've ever made! I was always fearful of dentists. I decided to go and was referred by a friend. I went to a dentist and was a victim of an unscrupulous dentist that took my money before work was done, then botched my dental work and refused to correct without more money. That was 20 years ago. So, I've had a real distrust and fear since then.

In 2022, I purchased "Dental Anasthesia" and listened every day. I'm elderly and could only have local anasthesia, no sleep! I had my ear buds on and listened to my "Dental Anasthesia" before and while I had oral surgery. I felt calm and unfearful!

Anonymity requested from a retired person who is from Ventura, California, USA.

"I used the dental anaesthesia download and it made all the difference."

"Let's face it, I don't like the dentist and the thought of root canal work made me incredibly nervous. But I used the 'Dental Anaesthesia' download and it made all the difference. I don't think I could have done without all pain medication, but I found the whole experience much easier by using the download. It made me calmer and naturally relaxed."

"It was more like I was observing from a distance. Even the dentist was impressed when I managed a smile."

This story came from Anne Caborn

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* Results may vary from person to person. This is why we provide a no-questions asked 90-day guarantee to ensure you feel comfortable trying our downloads out. We believe they are the best available, and hope you will too.