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Testimonials for the Dealing with Guilt Hypnosis Download

Read some great feedback from our customers

"For the first time I actually felt a deep, cleansing absolution of the unshakable feeling of guilt I've had for all these years"

"I have been an avid fan on a quest for the last 3 months, purchasing over 130 downloads as well as utilizing your other resources. I sensed I was finally on to something effective for me."

"While I benefitted from them all, I found what I was searching for after listening to your download on dealing with guilt. I am an intelligent woman (one time engineering student, registered nurse for over 30 years) and have been through various therapies."

"I have known my demon since I was 4 years old but could never get past feeling guilty about my early sexual abuse. I don't refer to it as childhood sexual abuse because I have never been a child."

"For the first time I actually felt a deep, cleansing absolution of the unshakable feeling of guilt I've had for all these years. I feel like I can breathe an air of life again. Bless you all. Anonymous."

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* Results may vary from person to person. This is why we provide a no-questions asked 90-day guarantee to ensure you feel comfortable trying our downloads out. We believe they are the best available, and hope you will too.