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Testimonials for the Keep a Cool Head Hypnosis Download

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"This morning, I experienced 'flow' and even loved the driving. It all felt so smooth."

I would like to thank you for 'Keep a Cool Head' and 'Overcome Indecision'.

Last week, I enrolled in a course for my employer (police, I'm a detective in training). It is a course that involves driving in a very fast way, passing red lights, et cetera. All in a civilian-looking car, so no help from flashing lights and sirens. We have to make the right decisions in a split second and often at high speed. I noticed my mind was the biggest hurdle; I regularly just froze. Normally, I move like a relaxed snail in traffic.

Friday night, I downloaded the aforementioned MP3s. I listened many times. I really, really want to pass this exam and I can't just go out and practice in my private car. The first time I listened to 'Keep a Cool Head', I felt tears flow from my eyes when 'at the lake' and was feeling like I had found something that had been lost for a long time - so long, I didn't even remember it was lost. Something from childhood. Monday, everything was much better when driving in the course. Tuesday, a bit less so. But this morning, I experienced 'flow' and even loved the driving. It all felt so smooth. This effect diminished in the afternoon as I got tired, but overall I noticed a real difference. So thank you!

P.S: Two days after providing this testimonial, the customer got back in touch to report feeling 'very, very happy and relieved', having successfully passed the difficult driving exam. Congratulations!

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