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Testimonials for the Chronic Hives Treatment Hypnosis Session

Read some great feedback from our customers

"Roger is helping me to recover...I now have the tools to cope and will be able to move on in time"

Photo of Angela

This is a letter of grateful thanks to Roger and Mark. After my Covid vaccinations, I was driven mad with hives, having never had them before. They were literally all over my body and my life was unmanageable. After trying every known lotion and potion, I searched the internet and discovered the Chronic Hives download. Within two weeks, I was clear of them.

Four months ago, my much loved son died of a staph infection. I hadn't heard from him and went to do a welfare check, but it took time as I live in a city ten hours away from him. I found him dead on his bedroom floor, where he had been for a few days. The shock and grief has been appalling, so again, I turned to Hypnosis Downloads and Dealing with Grief for help. I had become stuck in that last awful sight of my son and Roger is helping me to recover, though it's still a slow process. But at least I now have the tools to cope and will be able to move on in time. As he says, the story of the novel is not the final full stop. So many thanks to both of you for helping me to heal.

This story came from Angela who is from Australia.

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* Results may vary from person to person. This is why we provide a no-questions asked 90-day guarantee to ensure you feel comfortable trying our downloads out. We believe they are the best available, and hope you will too.