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Testimonials for the Carer's Stress Relief Hypnosis Download

Read some great feedback from our customers

"Truly, the session felt like a gentle, re-assuring hug. It was if you really understood what I am going through personally and you made me feel as if I am not alone in this journey."

I am writing to thank you for the amazingly relaxing, calming, download, "Carer's Stress Relief." I am sole caregiver to my 85yr. old mother who is in the middle stages of dementia. My mother had the disease (in its very early stages) concurrently with my late father who, when I took over care for him and the household, was then in the middle stage. For the last 20 years I have been dealing with this disease.

As I listened to "Caregiver Stress" today, I was parked down at the fishing wharf alone and put the driver's seat back so I was able to immerse myself in the session without interruption. Your voice was so re-assuring, warm, compassionate and tender. I found when I came out of trance, tears had formed in my eyes and rolled down the sides of my face as a result of your voice and the words you used. Truly, the session felt like a gentle, re-assuring hug. It was if you really understood what I am going through personally and you made me feel as if I am not alone in this journey.

I'm sure you know the valuable work you and Mark and your team do is appreciated by people all over the world. I wanted to take this time to express my deepest gratitude to you for your part in this download and to let you know how much I appreciated it and the effort which you put forth to make it so helpful.

This story came from Sharon Dunn who is a full-time caregiver from West Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada.

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* Results may vary from person to person. This is why we provide a no-questions asked 90-day guarantee to ensure you feel comfortable trying our downloads out. We believe they are the best available, and hope you will too.