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Testimonials for the Ease Asthma Hypnosis Download

Read some great feedback from our customers

"I can BREATHE! It's a miracle....I feel like I am being healed by God through the hypnosis."

I just wanted to let you know how much the asthma and hayfever sessions have helped me. It's only been a week of listening to them, but I saw immediate improvement. I haven't had to take an antihistamine since I started the hypnosis, or even all of my natural supplements that I take to fight allergies, and I can BREATHE! It's a miracle.

I'm a Christian, and a lot of Christians would probably tell me not to get into hypnosis because they would think it is spiritually suspect, but honestly, I feel like I am being healed by God through the hypnosis. When I am going into the hypnosis relaxation, I can feel God meet me there. The past week I've been able to focus and concentrate more, I've had more energy than maybe I've ever had in my life, and I can vacuum, grab items from our dusty loft space, and clean the house without having an asthma episode. This is especially important because I am allergic to the medicines in asthma inhalers, so I was really needing something pronto (and holistic).

Thank you, thank you, thank you. I was NOT wanting to use an inhaled steroid as my doctor suggested, and now it seems I won't have to. I just dial down and breathe deeply. I breathe better and wheeze so much less. I'm finding that I am successfully using the techniques in other areas of my life as well: I dial up when I'm feeling sleepy, and suddenly I'm energetic; I dial down when I'm planking, and I can hold the position for much longer and without it seeming very long. I've even noticed that some vertigo that I've had off and on has disappeared.

I really do appreciate it, and I'm going to look through the selection to see what else I might like to download. I feel like a kid in a candy store.

This story came from Abigail, who is from Orlando, Florida, USA, but now lives in Japan and is a homeschool mom and freelance copyeditor.

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* Results may vary from person to person. This is why we provide a no-questions asked 90-day guarantee to ensure you feel comfortable trying our downloads out. We believe they are the best available, and hope you will too.