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Testimonials for the Assertiveness Training Hypnosis Session

Read some great feedback from our customers

"I managed to stay calm and be specific about the issue"

After listening only a few times, the difference was noticeable during the usual arguments between myself and my husband. Instead of being so upset that I couldn't speak properly like usual, I managed to stay calm and be specific about the issue. Also, instead of allowing him to take the conversation elsewhere (him making it mean something not very nice about me) and end up with the issue unresolved, I managed to keep us on the topic at hand. I would strongly recommend Master Verbal Self Defense + Assertiveness Training for anyone who is struggling with their communication in their relationships. My marriage may not be able to be saved but at least I can still have some dignity. Thank you.

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"I now feel like trying new things and am not afraid of what others think. Thank You!"

I felt like a people pleasing door mat. Along with this came fear and anxiety. It stems from having a very critical father that would tell me often that his ideas were better than mine. He is a total narcissist. As a result I felt like I didn't deserve anything good in my life. I would often wish I had motivation but couldn't get how to do it.

I searched the web and found Mark Tyrrell's video on assertiveness and went on to buy the assertiveness hypnosis download. I now feel comfortable and relaxed asking for what I need in life. I've since bought the self esteem pack and feel like a more confident person that deserves the best in life. I've learned to be more selfish as I was not at all. Thank you for my new life. I wake up now with joy as I once did when I was a kid. I now feel like trying new things and am not afraid of what others think. Thank You!

This story came from Gabriel who is a sales executive from Los Angeles, California, USA.

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* Results may vary from person to person. This is why we provide a no-questions asked 90-day guarantee to ensure you feel comfortable trying our downloads out. We believe they are the best available, and hope you will too.