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Testimonials for the 10 Steps to Solid Self Esteem Hypnosis Course

Read some great feedback from our customers

"I was pleasantly surprised at the love and attention to detail that went into the programs and the script"

Raquel Rodriguez

I purchased two programs from Hypnosis Downloads recently, the 10 Steps to Solid Self-Esteem and the Confidence Trainer. I also purchased a script and audio on pain relief. I was thinking of a special client I have and wanted to review the programs to assure they were suitable for her before I asked her to purchase them. After reviewing them, I was pleasantly surprised at the love and attention to detail that went into the programs and the script and at the high quality of their content. This site is truly an abundant archive of reference material for therapists and I feel completely confident about referring my clients and students to this site!

This story came from Raquel Rodriguez who is a Certified Transpersonal Hypnotherapist and Instructor from Richmond, California, USA.

I felt strong enough to end an unhappy long term relationship which seemed impossible to me before.

Anonymity Requested

"Should you wonder whether your work helps make this earth a better place: IT DOES, thanks to your creativity and effort!"

Alexandra Wagner

I am currently in the middle of the 10 steps self-esteem course and listen to it always before going to bed. I quickly realised how effective these audios are. For example, recently I was caught up in a complaint with the leadership team in my company, where a 24 year old happened to be my manager (I am 33). She "won" the complaint and was highly praised for by the senior management for her professionalism (vs. my emotionalism). Instead of blaming myself for not having brought my points across well enough, I suddenly heard a voice creeping up saying I can't compare her and I. I can only compare myself to myself and where I started off from. In addition I started to see that I can be proud to have stood up. Not many do that.

That's amazing for me!

I have come to trust your hypnosis so much that I have downloaded some weight loss audios, which I listen to in the morning, and just now I have purchased another 10 steps course (assertiveness), although it's not before a few more weeks that I can start it.

I am truly grateful for your work, you are helping me on a real deep level, in a quite simple, but, again, really effective way.

Should you wonder whether your work helps make this earth a better place: IT DOES, thanks to your creativity and effort!

This story came from Alexandra Wagner who is from Innsbruck, Austria.

"I'm SO happy I found these programs. I really feel like they are what I've been searching for most of my life to fix what I was lacking and that numerous therapists and self-help books couldn't solve."

Sabrina's art work

Here is a glance at my first 10-Step notebook and flash cards. I have about 3 cards per section to review and have handy before I do the hypnosis sessions. So, about 30 cards in all (front and back).

I'm really serious about integrating all I'm learning here. I didn't even know we had 9 Human Needs (!), let alone think it was ok to have them (thanks to my family of origin, ugh). I'm SO happy I found these programs. I really feel like they are what I've been searching for most of my life to fix what I was lacking and that numerous therapists and self-help books couldn't solve.

I've never had things explained so thoroughly and clearly before and then given a chance to reprogram my 'family of origin' programing, which is what I've been searching (and praying) for most of my life. I could see other people living fuller, more fulfilling lives and trying desperately to do the same for myself, but never quite being able to 'fix me'. I'm grateful to have found Mark & Roger's site (while doing the millionth self-help search for yet another book that might deliver a 'cure').

I'm looking forward to fully integrating the dream "programing of MY choosing" (instead of my family's) with the 10-Steps to Solid Self Esteem course. I recently lost my dog and best friend of 13 years, so need to get the vet bills paid off first, but as soon as I do, I will be getting the 10-Steps to Assertiveness and 10-Steps to Stellar Success and..... The Millionaire Mindset pack to help pay for it all! LOL!!

I've attached a jpg of my notebook and flash cards :)

Thank you for your great customer service and interest in my healing and success.

This came from Sabrina Mayweather, who is a Digital Artist in California, USA.

Timothy Malfo

"What surprised me was how fast I was seeing results. I did not really recognize these changes until I looked back on my holiday after I arrived back home. I am amazed by the effectiveness your program."

I have purchased the 10 Steps to Solid Self Esteem program about 2 weeks ago. I was a little sceptical on your program and its cost, but decided to give it a try. To sum it up, I am extremely pleased with the progress I have experienced in just 2 weeks.

I started the program while on holiday in Los Angeles in September. During that week I found myself being more outgoing and jumping at opportunities that I would not have normally ventured into before this program. What surprised me was how fast I was seeing results. I did not really recognize these changes until I looked back on my holiday after I arrived back home. I am amazed by the effectiveness your program.

Then this week I have noticed that I have begun to question my self talk and stopping the negative interaction in my head and looking at the situation from different angles. This seems natural and easy to do. This has been something I have been trying to control for most of my life. I am excited to see what this program brings to my life as I work through it. I anticipate great advances.

Thank you for your program and I look forward to exploring others after I complete this one.

This came from Timothy Malfo who is a Training Program Specialist from Denver, Colorado ,USA

"At this point, I do feel more comfortable with myself and around others... a big step for me. I also feel I may have a better understanding of others, I didn't expect that."

I got a slow start on the [Solid Self Esteem] course and am moving slowly through it. I am now on number 4, overcoming an inferiority complex. I feel I need to stick with it for a while. I found the self esteem booster great and I continue listening to it off and on. I only spent a short time on 'feeling attractive' and 'stopping self blame' (who knows, maybe I will go back to those!), but felt had already learned those lessons to a great extent..

At this point, I do feel more comfortable with myself and around others... a big step for me. I also feel I may have a better understanding of others, I didn't expect that. I do feel more confident in experimenting more in my work.

The manual, I find, is quite good and helpful. It is a wonderful addition to the downloads. I also like reading the extra articles, along with the e-mails that are sent. Your manual is nice and simple and easy to read and understand. I'm not the best of students but have done some of the exercises... which I think are very good. I haven't been writing everything down but I do think about it during the day. It helps me and I believe I am changing!

The extra support is greatly appreciated. I'm very impressed with the course and all the 'extras' that come with it. This course is definitely what I need.

Thank you!

This story came from Linda Harbert who is a Landscape Painter from Oaxaca, Mexico

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* Results may vary from person to person. This is why we provide a no-questions asked 90-day guarantee to ensure you feel comfortable trying our downloads out. We believe they are the best available, and hope you will too.